The Alphabet Of Vitamins

There are so many vitamins, but what do they all do? Choose a letter and there is a vitamin for it. I am going to explain some of these and the benefits they can give to you.

Pick a letter of the alphabet and chances are you?re going to find a vitamin for it.

With all the vitamins out there, how do you know which one fits your need?

You don?t want to grab an A when you are looking for a C! Maybe you just need a vitamin. Let?s look at some of the more common vitamins and why they are used.

Vitamin A
it?s a sunny day and you escape back inside. When you do, you notice your eyes adjusting from the change in light. That is Vitamin A working. Vitamin A is for your eyes. The easy way I remember that Vitamin A is for eyesight is a memory device. I say the sentence, ?When it?s bright outside the sun tickles my soul?.
I then think to myself, Hey there?s no A?s in that sentence and I associate my eyes with Vitamin A. Go ahead, you try it.

Vitamin B
Vitamin B plays an essential role in growth, development, and a variety of other bodily functions. There are tons of different types of B vitamins. A balanced diet that includes 5 daily servings of fruits and vegetables will get you your recommended daily dosage but many of us don?t get enough fruits and veggies. A vitamin B supplement can help you.
I have always associated Vitamin B with a Big Black Bear. My mother used to tell me that if I did not eat my vegetables a Big Black Bear would sneak into my room at night and eat all of my toys. Be Safe from Bears, Take your vitamin B.

Benefits of Vitamin B
Support and increase the rate of metabolism
Maintain healthy skin and muscle tone
Enhance immune and nervous system function
Promote cell growth and division, including that of the red blood cells that help prevent anemia
Reduce the risk of pancreatic cancer
All B vitamins are water-soluble, and are dispersed throughout the body. Most of the B vitamins must be replenished regularly, since any excess is excreted in the urine

Vitamin C
everyone has heard of Vitamin C. You don?t want scurvy do you? Most people think Vitamin C helps protect you against the common cold. Yeah, not so much but it does help provide protection against immune system deficiencies cardiovascular disease, prenatal health problems, eye disease, and even skin wrinkling. Again you can get your Vitamin C through fruits and veggies but really, who eats enough of them. Go get a cheap Vitamin C supplement and you should be all set. I guess the best way to remember Vitamin C is to remember it as a cure for a Cold. Then once you remember that, think to yourself?No it?s not. Then you are confused and confused starts with a C.

I hope my simple guide to some of the most common vitamins helps you out. The main point is that most of us don?t take advantage of the proper diet to get the daily recommended doses of our vitamins. An easy way to fix this is with supplementation.

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