What Your Doctor Doesn't Know

A medical point of view on the use of nutritional supplements. Astounding facts about the nutritional value of our foods.

"Every chronic degenerative disease , like coronary artery disease, cancer, strokes, arthritis, multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer's dementia and macular degeneration is the direct result of what we call the "dark site" of oxygen - oxidative stress, in fact, oxidative stress is the leading theory behind the aging process itself. This generation is under greater attack from the pollutants in our air, food and water than any other previous generation.Our stress-filled lifestyle also takes its toll on our health. It is critical that we understand the best defense against developing any of these degenerative diseases and premature aging is the body's natural defence system, not the drugs I can prescribe."

Dr. Ray Strand, M.D. When Dr. Strand's wife, Liz, began to feel tired, it was easy enough to chalk it up to the demands of being a wife and a mother of three children under age four. By the couple's tenth anniversary, however, Liz was experiencing constant total body pain, overwhelming fatique, debilitating allergies and recurrent sinus and lung infections. Even with drugs to treat every symptom, Liz was unable to keep up with basic household chores or care for the horses she had once so enjoyed riding. When a friend told Liz and Ray about a course of nutritional supplements that had dramatically improve her husband's health, a desperate Ray could only surrender: "Honey,you can try anything you want. We doctors certainly are not doing any good" Within months, the sparkle returned to Liz's eyes.She was out riding horses again and seemed to have completely renewed strength and joy. How just a few nutritional supplements could cause such a damatic improvement was a mystery to DR. Strand. He had always dismissed vitamin supplementation as simple the ingredients for "expensive urine."
This experience with his wife proved to be the launching pad for a seven-year quest to research for himself the facts hehind nutritional medicine. What Dr. Strand discovered made a revolutionary impact on his practice.

And based on his extraordinary findings,whether your desire is to protect your good health or reclaim it, you can now learn what to do to improve your own health. No other nation on the face of the earth has produced the abundance of food that America has over the past half century. But when you look at the quality of our food from a health perspective, there are definite concerns. The processes used to produce and preserve our foods today have had a serious effect on the quality of this enormous food supply.

Rex Beach wrote in his report to the U.S. Senate: "Do you know that most of us today are suffering from certain dangerous diet deficiencies, which cannot be remedied until the depleted soils from which our food comes,are brought into proper miniral balance? The alarming fact is that foods- fruits, vegetables and grains- now being raised on millions of acres of land that no longer contain enough of certain minerals, are starving us no matter how much we eat." Beach made this statement in 1936 and in the almost seventy years since Beach's plea to the
Senate, little has been done to improve the nation's depleted soil;in fact,the situation today is much worse than ever before in history. It is a fact that our food is significantly deficient in vital nutrients, even at the time we purchase them; however, the way we prepare our foods is perhaps even more critical. Overcooking, delay in prepairing fresh foods and freezing foods are some of the reasons our food lose nutritional value. We began with depleted nutrients in our soils, which NPK fertilizers made worse. Then came the hybrid grains that produced nutrient-depleted foods. Modern processing and food storage caused further depletion of the qualty of our foods. We then take these foods home and continue to create futher depletion because of storage and preparation. These all make good solid arguments as to why we should be supplementing our diets with high quality nutritional supplements.

However, RDA levels (recommended daily allowances) have absolutely nothing to do with chronic degenerative diseases. This one simple fact is the cause of more confusion about the health benefits of nutritional supplements than any other fact. As you search the medical literature about oxidative stress and the amount of nutrients needed to prevent it, the level of nutritional supplementation is significantly greater than RDA levels.

However, you will not get the optimal results when you take low-quality supplements. It is critical that you purchase high-quality supplements that are complete and balanced. For more information about nutritional supplementation, visit: www.nutrobalance.com.

Ray D. Strand, M.D.,graduated from the university of Colorado Medical School and finished his post-graduate training at Mercy Hospital in San Diego, California. He has been involved in an active private family practice for the past thirty years. He has focused his practice on nutritional medicine over the past seven years, while lecturing internationally on the subject across the United States, Canada, Australia, England, the Netherlands and New Zealand.Dr. Strand lives on a horse ranch in South Dakota with his lovely wife, Elizabeth. They have three grown children.

The Numerous Olive Oil Health Benefits For All

The olive tree was originally found in Asia about 3000 years ago, and had been widely used since then as a remedy to heal wounds. But it was the Mediterranean man who first realized the true worth of an olive, using it as much more than just a healer.

It was they, who first realized that the Oil extracted from Olive, that is popularly known as Olive oil contains high amount of monounsaturated fat, which exerts a beneficial influence on their blood cholesterol levels and also controls cardiovascular diseases. They also used the extracted oil as an effective moisturizer and a good remedy for skin problems. It only happened lately that the rest of the world too, has woken up to the numerous health benefits, and switched to a healthier substitute for this oil.

Depending upon the amount of processing done to the pure Olive oil, it is available in the market in four different grades, namely ? the Extra Virgin Olive Oil ( this is the form obtained with minimum processing); the Virgin Olive Oil (is generated from the second pressings on the olive, and is also too healthy); the Pure Olive Oil ( this oil is prepared after the olive extract goes through treatments like filtering and refining.); the Extra Light Oil ( this is created after substantial processing, and contains very mild olive flavors in it). However, out of all these different grades, it is particularly the Extra Virgin Olive Oil that is the purest and the healthiest; cold pressed from freshly harvested olives without any chemicals being used.

To get best health benefits, it is advisable that people use the Extra Virgin form for various purposes, including their cooking techniques. Those who use it in cooking would agree that it has the same function as wine, which is enhancing the flavor of the food. Cooking experts use the Extra Virgin form to drizzle it over salads, vinaigrette's and dressing, and also occasionally use it over slices of crusty bread or sandwiches. At home most mothers use it to prepare mashed potatoes or meat preparations, to make the food taste good. But apart from adding to the taste,it also do several benefits to the body, which we are bound to get noticed.

The benefits of using this nutritive agent for cooking have already been known to us all, but to go over them once again, we must say that using it helps stimulate digestion, relieves you from stomach upsets, flatulence and also stops heartburn. Apart from this, it also cures severe constipation, when used with boiling water, cooled to lukewarm. It is also extremely rich in iron as well as vitamins like A, B1, B2, C, E and D which when used in cooking transfers the nutrition and vitamins to the food as well. But apart from all this, the main benefit of using it is that the fatty acids in the oil help lower the bad LDL cholesterol levels in the body, without creating any adverse effect on the beneficial HDL cholesterol or triglyceride levels, making it the healthiest source of fat.

Having said so much about the oil health benefits in detail, it is expected that the smart people would realize the true worth of it, and start using it to get a healthier life.

Protect the People, Replace the Pipes

The massive water system failure in Massachusetts reveals a long hidden problem: the public is increasingly at risk because America's water pipes and treatment plants are worn out and falling apart. What are the consequences of inaction -- and what can be done to remedy the situation?

In the spring of 2010, a massive water pipe failure in Massachusetts made headlines all across the country. The catastrophe sent millions of residents scrambling to find safe water to drink or cook with. Health authorities directed residents to boil water before drinking it -- or even serving it to their pets. Retailers struggled to meet the sudden demand for huge quantities of bottled water.

This catastrophic event graphically illustrated the connection between health of America's water system and the health of its people. And although it was the largest and most consequential water system failure in recent history, it is by no means the only one.

For example, in 2009, the city of Portland, Oregon, instructed city residents to boil their water prior to drinking, as potentially deadly E. coli had infiltrated the city's reservoir. In Washington, DC, a huge water break turned a major commuter route into a raging river, putting the lives of several commuters and the rescue crews in serious danger.

Water system failures do not always end well. In 1993 a bug by the name of Cryptosporidium made its way through the water supply in Milwaukee. Hundreds of thousands of people drank contaminated water and estimates suggest that more than 100 may have died as a direct result.

In cities across the country, water main breaks are a routine occurrence. Most of the time they are simply an inconvenience. Traffic is briefly snarled while utility works patch the pipes. Homes and businesses lose water pressure for a few hours. But these small breaks are warnings that larger disasters may be on the horizon.

Why is this happening? The answer is simple. In many cities and towns, our water systems are old and worn out. U.S. cities first began laying pipes for household water delivery and sewage treatment in the late 1800s. By the 1930s, the backyard outhouse was a rarity in all but the most rural areas.

Not only are these systems still in use, often these very same pipes are hauling clean water to your home, and dirty sewage off to the treatment plant -- except when they break and mingle their waters, as happened in Massachusetts.

Clean water is essential to life, and these recent incidents reveal how we can no longer take it for granted that it will be available to our families in the years to come. Today's government leaders face a dilemma. The longer they argue over where to find the money to overhaul these vital systems, the more expensive the eventual repair bill will be.

With the benefit of hindsight, it is easy to recognize that our water bills have too low, for too long. If we had all paid just a few cents or a few dollars more per month when those systems were built, there would be plenty of money available to retrofit, overhaul, and upgrade the systems a century later.

So now the elected officials of today face difficult choices. Facing a repair bill that amounts to many billions of dollars, they must answer the question about where the money will come from, and how to raise it fairly.

An obvious source of funds is the ratepayers themselves. After all, isn't it fair that the people who use the water system pay to maintain it? In the Washington, DC area, officials estimate they would have to raise water bills by more than 400% to raise enough funds to start repairing the system faster than it is breaking. Is that fair for the residents of a city with so many poor neighborhoods?

Another source of funds is the U.S. taxpayer. After all, it's certainly not fair to allow an upstream city to share its a water pollution problem with every other city downstream. That's why the federal government in Washington has long organized a rotating "loan" fund that cities can tap into, but the amounts are woefully small compared to the need. Is it fair to raise the taxes of every American to improve the water systems for some?

A third choice is business. Some cities are selling their public water systems to private corporations. These companies invest the money needed to bring the system up to par, in return for the opportunity to raise rates to a level that brings in a profit. This raises questions of fairness, too. After all, the rate payers built the system -- and now its sold to a business at a fire sale price? And do we want one of life's necessities provided with the same level of customer service as the average cable company?

Up until now, elected officials have found it easier to put off these choices until next year -- year after year. But as millions of Massachusetts residents ask themselves where they can get a safe drink of water, it's clear that we are running out of room to duck the difficult decisions before us.

Vegetarian Food is Better Choice

Vegetarian runners believed that their food add extra energy. They would give you two examples: Ross Murray, a swimmer who wins two Olympic Gold Medals in 1956; the top runner Johnny Wes Mahler continue to record six world swimming records after becoming a vegetarian.

Human beings are created naturally live on plants, fruits and water, all of them are green food. As the improvement of life condition, our food had changed a lot, many kinds for choice. So it becomes complex to determine a kind of healthy diet.

Vegetarians claim that their diet can increase energy. They would give you two examples: Ross Murray, a swimmer who wins two Olympic Gold Medals in 1956; the top runner Johnny Wes Mahler continue to record six world swimming records after becoming a vegetarian.

You certainly can deem that they are lucky runner though they have bad diet and food. However, if you believe the results of scientific research, you may know that they are obviously not the kind of people lucky enough to win. Their favorite study is done in 1970s, compared the endurance of 15 carnivore and thirty-four vegetarian.

When they require meat eaters stretch arms as long as possible, they can continue only fifteen minutes. No one of them can maintain thirty minutes. In those vegetarian, more than 20 people keep the gesture for 15 minutes, and 14 people keep more than 30 minutes. It is said that one people keep the posture more than 3 hours.

Moreover, the vegetarian is not based on energy reason alone. It is based on many other factors. Some of them seem to be quite persuasive.

For example; an argument put forward is based on physiology. Vegetarian said that people naturally do not suitable to eat meat, so some people may be choked by meat. Human is not same with wolf, wolves tear meat into pieces and then swallows. People have to chew with teeth; this may be more suitable for eating banana, pumpkin or carrot. But it is not suitable to eat steak at all. Dr. Killen said on a medical conference recently.

Herbivores teeth structure is sharp incisors, molars flat, round, for crushing and grinding food. This indicates that the physiological structure of these animals is to eat vegetables, leaves, plants, roots, fruits, nuts and grass. As per studies on people's teeth, this totally anatomizes. Vegetarians deem that we have such a poor ability to absorb cholesterol. Study report also revealed that very little strict vegetarian get heart disease.

That is because out physiological structure does not allow take into so many cholesterol.

Vegetarian and many others said that meat is not good to our healthy. It is rich of fat and easily causes heart disease. At lease to animals, it may cause cancer. Fungi in meat is also not easy to digest as vegetables and fruits. In addition, most of us like to eat the bacon, in fact, and part of them is rotten.

If you have enough time to read the books written by vegetarians, you will not touch these foods any more, and you will not doubt whether it is right.

Last but not least, vegetarian told us that the vegetarian history is almost as old as human's history. So after so many centuries, it has proved to be completely true.

Pre-workout supplements formula helps in Bodybuilding

Body building is the process of developing your muscle fibers by doing resistance training mostly with free weights and machines, increasing your daily caloric intake and having adequate rest for growth.

For skinny people, bodybuilding will help you bulk up and get a massive and ripped body. For fat or obese people, bodybuilding will help you tone your muscles and along with cardio exercises, you will get rid of your fat and get a leaner and muscular physique. Whether you're skinny or fat, bodybuilding can help you achieve your goals that are to have the body of your dreams.

Bodybuilding not only helps you physically but mentally as well because it builds self-confidence, makes you more disciplined and helps you achieves your goals in life.Pre-workout supplements are a newer kind of formula that was originally created to help bodybuilders plow past muscle building plateaus and to help with low-energy slumps due to the daily grind of workout wear-n-tear.

The formula?s for the most part are comprised of Creatine, L-Arginine, Beta Alainine, and Caffeine based stimulants that when combined correctly, can push the athlete past their normal rep. range and typically pro long the workout routine with added intensity and mental focus.

Next to water, protein is the most abundant component of our body accounting for 1/6th of the body weight. It is one of the main nutrients of our diet apart from carbohydrates and fats. Primary function of proteins is tissue growth and maintenance.

While striving to build muscles good quality protein thus becomes an important component of the diet. A protein is said to be of good quality which gives higher value of protein per serving as well as provides all essential amino acids in required amounts.

Whey protein, soy protein, casein protein are such proteins which help in gaining muscles. An exercise schedule minus adequate whey protein intake (through diet or protein supplements) will do more harm rather than benefitting the body as you will end up losing already existing muscles rather than building them.

As the supplement world expands and new products are released into the market, it was always helpful for anyone to read real reviews from others about their experiences with different products so you can decide to do the same thing and put together a list of the very best pre workout supplements currently available. This way you will have a much better understanding of what you?re actually in for when you go to purchase your own.

LeVive Juice The Super Health Drink

Le'Vive juice concentrates the power of the world's top five antioxidant producing fruits in one product: Mangosteen, Noni, Acai Berry, Goji and Pomegranate. The combination of their juices leverages their synergic action in your body to the fullest, slowing your body's cells' aging process while preventing the occurance of terrible degenerative diseases.

"The amount of antioxidants that you maintain in your body is directly proportional to how long you will live" , quoted by Dr. Richard Cuttler, Former Director of the Naitional Institute of Aging, Washington, D.C. USA . We are very sure that you would have, no you must have heard the buzz about Le'Vive juice also known to some people as the Power of 5 Antioxidant Drink.

Le'Vive juice is an inviting, enticing and great tasting fruity juice blend that is ideal for the whole family! Le'Vive Juice comes equipped with a number of healing properties and energizing benefits. Almost everyone who has ever tried the Le'Vive Juice, whether they be distributors, importers, healthcare professionals and customers, everyone has classified it as the most powerful and best tasting juice ever! According to the latest information by health care experts and herbalists, the Le'Vive Juice is the perfect solution for the common weight gaining issues, anti aging to fertility and sleep disorder problems.

Actually, there are 25 reasons to take Le'Vive Juice every day! And they are:

1) Decrease the levels of harmful free radicals, the cause of aging.
2) Keep your skin and hair healthy.
3) Fight funguses, virus and bacteria.
4) Increase your energy level.
5) Feel and look younger.
6) Prevent cancer.
7) Maintain a healthy blood pressure.
8) Control your blood's sugar level.
9) Lose weight.
10) Sleep better.
11) Improve your vision.
12) Enhance your sex drive.
13) Improve your digestion.
14) Prevent gastritis, reflux and ulcers.
15) Maintain a normal cholesterol level.
16) Improve your memory.
17) Prevent diseases like Alzheimer's and Parkinson's.
18) Control inflammation and arthritis.
19) Prevent tumors.
20) Protect your kids' health.
21) Keep your joints flexible and healthy.
22) Prevent respiratory conditions such as tuberculosis, bronchitis, emphysema and asthma.
23) Improve your fertility.
24) Keep your liver healthy.
25) Maintain an overall state of good balance health.

But where does this juice come from? Le'Vive juice comes from the 5 most powerful berries on earth:

1) Pomegranate - (Egypt & Asia). One of the oldest fruits known to man. Rich in vitamins A, B & C, potassium, phosphorous, magnesium, calcium, sodium and fiber.
2) Goji - (Himalayas - Tibet, Mongolia). Considered miraculous since ancient times. Rich in polysaccharides; with 18 amino acids, vitamins A, B, C & E, 21 minerals, proteins, fiber and Omega-3 and Omega-6 oils.
3) Acai Berry - (Amazon Brazil). Legendary fruit from the Amazon that contains 10 to 33 times more antioxidants than grapes used for red wine.
4) Noni - (Polynesian Islands, India). Used as a medicinal plant for thousands of years to cure different conditions. Contains polysaccharide-based nutrients, organic acids, vitamins and minerals.
5) Mangosteen - (Thailand). An Asian native that has caused a commotion with its splended flavor. Known as the "Queen of Fruits", possesses high levels of xanthones.

Le'Vive juice berries are a gift of nature that has been consumed for its overall health and fitness benefits. The Le'Vive Juice berries are not a new product to mankind, however it is a new concept blending the most powerful 5 berries together yeilding super antioxidants and a delicious irristable fruity flavor! These berries are loaded with vitamins, proteins, minerals and recent studies and experiments have shown that Le'Vive Juice contains an extraordinary high content of antioxidants, more than any other single berry and berry drink that we consume today.

Le'Vive Juice is equipped with many health benefits and also contains various powerful antioxidants. Le'Vive Juice also works as a mood booster. It lowers cholesterol levels in our blood. The juice aids in neurological disorders. If you are worried because you have gained a lot of weight, Le'Vive Juice is a perfect option for you.

Le'Vive Juice is known to help in fighting various diseases and because the Le'Vive juice is a completely organic herbal product, naturally there are no side effects arising out of it. This means that the Le'Vive juice is not only safe but also healthy for the entire family...even pregnant women. Recommended consumption amount of Le'Vive juice is 2 ounces in the morning and 2 ounces 1-3 times a day, preferably before or with meals. However, this is a general rule of thumb and not an exhaustive prescription.

To summerize, consuming nourishing supplements which contain antioxidants is the principal way to combat the harmful effects of contamination in the body. Eating a balanced diet of fruits and vegetables rich in antioxidants can have a positive impact on your future health. ?There is NO short term solution for long term health.?

Time to grow mushrooms using the best Mushroom Kit

Mushroom is an excellent food to be considered in your diet. Growing them is a satisfying hobby. And the availability of mushrooms kits has made the simplest work. Growth of weeds and fungi cultivation can be used in the interior garden.

Real gardening can change life in many ways. There is great joy and immense pleasure have a private garden. The plants can be grown both outside and inside. If you are interested in growing plants then take the reliability of feed your family and yourself with food. If you grow outdoors it is an obvious fact that will use soil in terms of large. So the soil should be sufficient nutrients, vitamins and bacteria that are beneficial to give good harvest.

But one thing should remember that if they grow out then must have pest control and also you have to be careful with adverse weather conditions. There are people who grow their favorite vegetables in your garden. You them seed, care, provide them with adequate supply of everything you need and then grows well and strong. But what happens if you plan your trees and completely forget about them. You get the weed.When the air between warm also makes it soil. This is the moment when there is complete weed. Weed growth can be easy. Weeds and marijuana is the same thing. It is derived from the cannabis plant that grows naturally.

Growth of the marijuana plant can be easy and at the same time can also be a daunting task. There are some useful tips that will help you grow marijuana indoor plant:

-Keep everything clean, including walls, tiles etc.

-The soil Ph must be around 6.4

-Grow better seed quality available.

-You must provide a good growing environment.

-Not excessively do not water the plants.

-Never tend to fertilize the plants at all.

-Keep its disposals of house completely separated.

-The soil must be of good quality.

-Never harvest ahead of time. Wait for the right moment to harvest.

Indoor Gardening is fascinating, many people now. With common growing inside today, mushroom growing kit has become very popular. These kits contain the materials needed for growing mushrooms. Organic growing mushroom at home using the kit has become an easy task. Here are some tips that help you get good yields of mushrooms at home.

-Soil in the kit has needed all the things. Do not add any other fertilizer to the soil.

-Always use water not chlorinated as rainwater.

-Always to keep them damp and wet do not.

-Always keep the mushrooms in an area with light non- or less.

-Collect the mushrooms as soon as you see that they have matured.

Lovers of mushrooms cultivated indoors as the process is simple. Once they manage to do so they carry with him many times. These days mushroom kit is readily available in markets by making your work much simpler. And it is also very gratifying to get an idea of its own crop of mushrooms. Weed growth is a type of roof planting and cultivation of fungi using mushrooms kits is also very common and easy today.

What is flaxseed?

Ever wondered what is flaxseed? Question answered!

Flax seed vs. Linseed - What is the difference?

Many people see the words flax seed and linseed and wonder, ?What is the difference? What is flax seed?? If you are familiar with flax, you will know that flax seed and linseed are two different names for the same thing.

According to Wikipedia, ?Flax (also known as common flax or linseed) (binomial name: Linum usitatissimum) is a member of the genus Linum in the family Linaceae. It is native to the region extending from the eastern Mediterranean to India and was probably first domesticated in the Fertile Crescent.?

It is easy to see where the term linseed comes from; it comes from its genus name Linum and family name Linaceae. Linseeds (or flax seeds) are the tiny, nutrient-packed seeds that come from the flax plant. Thus the term flax seed, or the seed from the flax plant.

Flax seeds, or linseeds, however you wish to call them, are full of healhy omega-3 fatty acids, proteins, Calcium, Vitamin B, Iron, Zinc and much more. Another great thing about flaxseeds is that its benefits can be obtained in many different ways. Some enjoy adding flaxseed oil to their water while others enjoy ground flaxseed or flax meal. Any way you consume flax will benefit your life. We recommend reading our other

Understanding Acai�s Antioxidants.

Here?s a quote I hear a lot from new Acai fans: ?Acai has the richest Antioxidant of any food in the world.?

Yes, you can truthfully say that, it is a quote by Dr. Strauss, who was the first person to run an ORAC evaluation on Acai berries. However, do people really understand what this means?

Here?s a quote I hear a lot from new Acai fans: ?Acai has the richest Antioxidant of any food in the world.?

Yes, you can truthfully say that, it is a quote by Dr. Strauss, who was the first person to run an ORAC evaluation on Acai berries. However, do people really understand what this means?

It?s not really referring to the ORAC score at all, but the high number of Antioxidant Compounds in Acai, which to me is far more impressive.

Most people simply think that relative to other fruits, an Acai berry ranks somewhere around 1,027, while a blueberry, for instance, ranks about 92. Over ten times as much.

Although those are the ORAC designations for fresh Acai and fresh low bush blueberries, this is way too simplistic of a way to think about antioxidants, and frankly some poor eating decisions are likely to be made if you continue to see it that simplistically.

First of all, the 1,027 is a number that represents micromoles (atomic measurements) of Trolox Equivalents per gram of any one Antioxidant compound found inside Acai. In one compound, not separate compounds all stacked up on top of each other.

Trolox is the major Antioxidant inside Vitamin E. People used to take Vitamin for its antioxidant power, but unfortunately what works in a test tube doesn?t work the same way in our bodies, so Trolox is no longer thought of as one of the best antioxidants for our bodies anymore.

However, scientists still measure the Oxygen Radical Absorption Capacity (ORAC value) in micromoles of Trolox?s effectiveness in a lab.

That being said, there have so far been at least 16 Antioxidant compounds discovered in Acai. With many unidentified compounds left to go, there may be more to add to that list.

The most potent Antioxidant compound in the Acai berry is called Anthocyanin, which is the reason you?ve heard that drinking red wine is good for you? Red grapes were the previous best available fruit for Anthocyanins, but now Acai beats them by 33 times!

It?s just the Anthocyanins that are getting measured with the ORAC assay and reported at 1,027 micromoles of TE per gram. The 18 other compounds don?t beat the 1,027 score individually, but if you add them all up they?d easily dwarf the Anthocyanin score!

The number of different compounds in other fruits is usually between 1 and 3. Acai is so far out ahead of the pack in this area too that I simply can?t believe that I haven?t read in anyone?s sales literature about it? To me it is a primary selling point!


Think about it this way? The USDA recommends 5 fruits a day, right? The average fruit has 1-3 Antioxidant compounds in them, and that?s what?s making them so healthful.

So, the average of 1 & 3 is two, and two times 5 fruits a day equals 15.

It?s fair to say that, the USDA recommends you eat 15 Antioxidant Compounds a day? And Acai has sixteen compounds all in that one little berry! (At the least!)

Actually, that?s not a very fair comparison for Acai, because the 1-3 antioxidant compounds in the 5 random fruits will very likely overlap, and worse case scenario you?re only getting 2 or 3 Antioxidant compounds from your five daily fruits.

The final nail in the coffin of the ?multiple fruits are necessary? line of thinking for me was hearing, again from Dr. Schauss, that there is at least one Amazon tribe that eats nothing but Acai. Complete ?Acaitarians.? (Yes I made that word up.)

So for those who think that getting five different fruits a day is essential because of the different types of fiber or the other different compounds you get from variety, I say hogwash! People are living on just one fruit, as their only food source, for entire healthy lifetimes.

So what else can it be that we need variation of? It?s obviously the different compounds of Antioxidants. High ORAC scores of each one are great, but a high number of compounds in the first place is what makes Acai revolutionary.

More and More Turning to E-Therapy

A rising number of people are turning to the Internet for advice and assistance for their mental health. It is the newest -- and possibly best -- way to find therapeutic help from a practitioner.

And this one fits into busy lifestyles where finding the time to regularly visit a therapist can be challenging.

It comes mostly in the form of exchanging e-mail with a trained counselor or talking with one, one-on-one, in a chat room. Chat rooms have gained notoriety as a place where teenagers go to spend hours dreamily swooning over the latest pop heartthrob or complaining how their parents are so unfair, but this idea does a disservice to the nature of chat rooms and what they can accomplish. For one thing, they are a cornerstone of online therapy, available to a patient 24 hours a day, because the Internet is never asleep.

The pioneers of this technology-fueled therapy are two counselors based in Vancouver, Canada, who used to work at B.C. Addictions Services. In the mid-1990s, they started to use their computers to counsel patients by launching Therapy Online, now an internationally respected site. They say that online therapy has significant benefits for patients. Alone at their computer, patients aren't made uncomfortable by a therapist who is staring and judging them (a big reason why people give up counseling). Patients can live anywhere and virtually visit their favorite therapist who could live an ocean away.

Chatting and exchanging e-mail with a therapist creates an atmosphere where patients can share deep emotions that are at the root of their psychological problem. Being online eliminates body language, voice tone, and the in-your-face kind of situations that could arise in a therapist's office and make someone less willing to speak out. A good online therapist will always figure out how patients are feeling, and look closely at any pauses in their writing or if they become cryptic in their prose.

Although many therapists and patients need the personal contact for a quality diagnosis, the rise of e-therapy is happening and it provides a unique opportunity for patients to get the help they need. It is the art of using talk therapy to root out the issues -- one thing it cannot do, obviously, is utilize hypnosis, meditation and relaxation techniques. But it could be, for many people, a cure to their deepest disturbances found in their very own house.

What Your Fingernails Say About Your Health

The fingernails say much about a persons overall health. Many conditions and diseases can be detected by changes in the nail. The most common health conditions that nails can reveal are nutritional deficiencies.

Nutritional deficiencies can often result in fingernail changes or abnormalities as well as injuries, illness or external mistreatment. Nails are composed of keratin (hardened protein) and sulfur and they require optimum nourishment from a well balanced diet.

Iron deficiency may be responsible for weak, pale, thin, flat, lengthwise ridging, spoon shaped nails or that peel, chip, crack or break easily. Iron is best absorbed from complete proteins, such as meat, poultry, fish and eggs. Dietary sulfur includes Brussels sprouts, cabbage, dried beans, garlic and onions.

To strengthen the nails drink a cup or two of horsetail or oat straw tea and try soaking the fingertips in a bit of the tea for 10 minutes.

Nail soaks using warm vegetable or nut oil will help restore flexibility to a brittle, soft or splitting fingernail. Do this at night before bed, wipe off the excess oil with a tissue and do not wash off until morning.

When using detergents or household cleaners wear protective gloves to help prevent peeling and splitting. Rubbing the nails and cuticles with petroleum jelly or other moisturizers after lengthy immersions in water, after bathing or swimming, will additionally offset potential harm.

Adding a few drops of castor oil to a bottle of nail polish remover and washing with soap and water afterwards will help counteract the drying effect that polish remover frequently causes.

Cuticles protect your nail base from harmful bacteria and fungi. After applying lotion, push the cuticles back to help prevent drying and cracking. Rubbing cuticles with fresh lemon juice is said to strengthen them.

A hangnail should be softened with water or lotion before clipping it off. Pierce a vitamin E capsule and coat the area will help speed healing. Frequent hangnails may indicate an under supplied amount of protein, vitamin C and folic acid in the diet. Other possible causes are over exposure to water and paper, which both absorb moisture from the skin.

Brittle, weak nails may be corrected by taking 1 tablespoon desiccated liver powder or 2 tablespoons of brewer's yeast stirred into a glass of tomato juice. Others have benefited from 2 capsules daily of evening primrose oil. Filing dry fingernails from the outside toward the center with a rounded slanting edge discourage splitting.

Constantly breaking nails that do not improve with home remedies may indicate poor circulation or thyroid dysfunction, which require medical attention.

Soft, weak fingernails can be the result of the chemicals used in nail cosmetics, an inadequate diet or excessive contact with water. For people with calcium and magnesium deficiencies, taking 1,000 milligrams of the mineral dolomite daily for one month has strengthened frail nails. Other options you might try include gulping a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar with each meal or coating polish free fingernails with vinegar or fresh lemon juice.

Horizontal ridges (from side to side) move upward and grow out with the nail in 5 or 6 months. This may be a result from a severe illness, injury, stress or by a chronic B vitamin deficiency. Recurrent ridging may be prevented by consuming adequate protein, vitamin A and brewer's yeast.

Vertical ridges (from top to bottom) can be an indication of iron deficiency anemia or insufficient amounts of vitamins A, B vitamins and calcium. In many cases these lengthwise lines can be either hereditary or gradually developed.

Pitted fingernails usually result from deficiencies of protein, calcium or sulfur, which can be corrected by correcting the diet. Pitting may also occur in conjunction with psoriasis or indicate the presence of rheumatoid arthritis or muscular inflammations.

Spoon nails are depressed in the center and raised at the edges. This could be caused by an injury, but, most often occur in older children and middle aged women due to iron deficiency anemia or B12 deficiency. They usually return to normal once the diet is adequate or the anemia is treated.

White spots in fingernails are attributed to everything from telling little white lies to minor injuries, pockets of air, mineral deficiencies or infection. Holistic practitioners recommend daily supplements of calcium (800 mg), magnesium (500 mg) and zinc (15 mg). Other options include stirring 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar and honey in a glass of water and drink with each meal.

Fungus found around and under the fingernails can be caused by the use of artificial nails. They can trap moisture, bacteria and fungi. Taking a B complex tablet plus 15 mg of zinc everyday and acidophilus capsules with each meal may correct the problem. Soaking the nails in a strong solution of vitamin C crystals and water twice a day and squeezing vitamin E oil under the nails has shown improvement in some cases.

Herbal Nutrition Supplement: Support Your Brain With Good Nutrition

To combat work stress try herbal supplements that are developed to support memory, concentration and overall cognitive performance. At the same time they also help the body sustain energy levels and achieve mental balance.

One of the different kinds of stress people go through is the stress is at work. Thanks to increasing cut throat competition in this dog eat dog world, there is the stress has become a new phenomenon of modern lifestyles.

In the last few decades the nature of work has gone through drastic changes. Technological revolution has touched almost all professions and thus changing the nature of work at an alarming rate. With this change comes stress, and workplace stress poses a threat to physical health.

Some typical symptoms of job stress can be insomnia, loss of mental concentration, anxiety, stress, absenteeism, depression, drug abuse, extreme anger and frustration, family conflict, physical illnesses such as heart disease, migraine, headaches, stomach problems, and back problems.

To combat all these problems there are herbal supplement that are developed to support memory, concentration and overall cognitive performance. At the same time they also help the body sustain energy levels and achieve mental balance.

Why take supplements to Optimize Brain Performance?

Looking at the demands of today?s fast paced lives and career obligations, anything less than optimal cognitive performance can be maddening for you and others. Age, coupled with other fundamental factors can lead to cognitive decline. One should take the slowdown in memory and concentration seriously. Luckily, there are natural and harmless ways to keep your brain healthy.

Have you ever thought of supporting your brain with good nutrition?

There are many factors that lead to deteriorating brain performance. Age, genetics, alcohol and drug abuse, heavy metal and toxin exposure, stress and fatigue could be lead to sub-optimal brain performance. Take herbal nutritional supplements that contain natural ingredients specially formulated to be gentle and safe enough to nourish your brain. They are meant to assist your brain in obtaining the proper amounts of oxygen and nutrients it craves.

Energy Supplements To Revive Energy Levels?

Daily stress at work can deplete you of all vital nutrients and drop your energy levels. You need to replenish your stamina at work so that you can cope up with the routine work stress.

To improve workplace performance a good combination of healthful nutrients and herbs used for centuries can help the body sustain energy levels and improve stamina without producing peaks and crashes are available. The energy supplements sustain your body's natural supply of energy, improves stamina, natural so no harmful side effects or crashes.

Anxiety Relief Supplements

Due to conditions like global economic recession, workplaces are going through metamorphic changes. The consequent pressures under economic transformations, the reorganizations, takeovers, mergers, downsizing and other changes make it difficult for companies to survive. The reformations put their demand on everyone which leads to anxiety.

Hopefully there are stress and anxiety relief supplement that help to reduces feelings of chronic anxiety. They support the emotional well being of employees by moderating their body's physical and emotional response to daily stress.

Promoting relaxation, balancing moods and moderating your body's physical response to stress are a few things anxiety relief supplements are supposed to do. Taking herbal supplements to relieve stress related to work in addition to exercise, good rest and well balanced meals will certainly equip you to deal with workplace stress.

Learn What Fruit offers has High Antioxidants, Low Sugar and Helps Achy Joints

Learn the healthy pain relieving secrets of Montmorency tart cherry juice.

As more and more people are searching for natural relief for joint pain, tart cherry juice is fast becoming the first choice for joint pain sufferers. However, according to research, not all cherries offer the same natural pain relief benefits to the same part of the body. It is true that all cherries are members of the cherry family, however the majority of the research currently available on the natural health benefits of cherries has been conducted on the Montmorency tart cherry. However, other types of cherries have also had joint pain related research conducted on them including the Balaton, Sweet cherry and others.

The Montmorency tart cherry is grown all across the United States, however, the Traverse Bay region of Michigan grows over 70% of all of the tart cherries grown in the U.S. This has earned this part of Michigan the nickname of the ?Cherry Capital of the World.? The Montmorency tart cherry has long been known for its great taste as the main ingredient in cherry pie. However, as research indicates, the Montmorency tart cherry offers more than just great taste.

In addition, Montmorency cherry juice concentrate is fast becoming the tart cherry product of choice for ease and convenience when compared to the fresh fruit. The reason is unlike the fresh fruit Montmorency cherry juice concentrate is available year round. In addition, it takes approximately 100 fresh cherries to produce just one ounce of tart cherry juice concentrate. Thus, Montmorency cherry juice concentrate is a supercharged way to the natural health benefits of this ruby red fruit.

According to Medical University research conducted on the tart cherry and Montmorency tart cherry juice, have conducted and published numerous studies on the healing benefits of the tart cherry and Montmorency tart cherry juice concentrate. Research results indicate that the natural compounds in the tart cherry are responsible anti-inflammatory benefits of the tart cherry. The compounds found in the tart cherry include, but not limited to are Anthocyanins, Melatonin, Flavoniods, potassium, vitamin A, C, and E.

In addition to Montmorency tart cherry juice concentrate, Montmorency tart cherry capsules are also becoming the favorite of people who what the convenience of the tart cherry without having to worry about refrigeration. Unlike the Montmorency tart cherry juice concentrate, tart cherry capsules use the whole fruit including the pulp and the skin of the fresh fruit. Montmorency tart cherry capsules are produced with the freeze-dried process. . This process is the best way to capture 100% of the nutritional value of the tart cherry.

Here are a few sources for you to get tart cherries into your daily routine. For tart cherries, Bailey Brothers Cherry Farm offers good pricing and good availability for fresh cherries. Traverse Bay Farms offers Montmorency tart cherry juice concentrate. The company also offers fresh tart cherries, frozen cherries, dried tart cherries and more. For Montmorency tart cherry capsules consider Fruit Advantage. The company offers free shipping on all super fruit tart cherry capsules including Montmorency tart cherry capsules.

Are your vitamins doing you any good? - Health Myth #1

Health Myths and Legends - There are many myths and misconceptions that have been floating around for years and years. People unknowingly spread this false information because they?ve heard others saying the same thing.

There are many myths and misconceptions that have been floating around for years and years. People unknowingly spread this false information because they?ve heard others saying the same thing. They have heard it in commercials and in other advertisements. It really get confusing because sometimes the so-called authorities are the ones spreading these untruths. McVitamins is issuing a health issue ?Health Myths and Legends? to help you understand.

Let?s clean up the myths.

Myth #1 ? Synthetic Vitamins will make you healthy

In an effort to protect themselves and their families from frightening and serious health problems, people are changing their diets and are taking herbs and supplements. Why do they need vitamin supplements?

Due to the depletion and demineralization of topsoil, the contaminations of produce from pesticides, herbicides and fungicides, the over processing, enriching and preservation ? foods just don?t have the same nutritional value they once had. To get the same amount of iron that was available to Popeye in one can of spinach, today he would have to consume 65 cans. An orange that once contained 50 mg of natural Vitamin C complex in 1950, now contains 5 mg.

We?ve all have gotten used to reading literature proclaiming the benefits of vitamins, deciding what is wrong with us and heading to the health food store to buy what we?ve decided we need We often end up buying all kinds of supplements - but are we any healthier? People are still fatigued, still overweight, still fighting the cholesterol battle, etc. etc. etc.

The body runs on vitamins, minerals, nutrients and oxygen just like your car runs on gas, water and oxygen. But what happens if you put the wrong gas, or worse some other liquid, into your car? Not only will it not work, it may damage the engine. The same thing can happen when you put the wrong vitamins in your body.

We can get healthier if we understand what most vitamins today really are ? they?re synthetic. Let?s talk about synthetic vitamins

What are synthetic vitamins made of? Let?s define some words:

Natural: These are vitamins not tapered with and are the way they are in nature, not tapered with in any way that might change their molecular structure or biochemical actions. This can also be called whole food supplements.

Crystalline ? these are vitamins originally from food but treated with heat, caustic, high-powered solvents (such a s benzene or toluene) chemicals, and distillations to reduce them to a specific vitamin.

Synthetic ? These are vitamins made in a laboratory that are chemically reconstructed versions of the crystalline vitamins from other known sources. Thiamine mononitrate (a synthetic vitamin labeled as B1), is made from coal. It?s not ?organic? just because it has carbon in its molecular structure.

One of the most perilous deceptions is the passing off of these phony, synthetic vitamins and saying that the body does not know the difference. In the long run, we will compound our health problems by taking them.

Keep in mind that synthetic vitamins are not the vitamin available in foods, but synthesized (made in a laboratory) fractions (parts) of a vitamin complex, The analogy here is essentially the same as an automobile salesman handing you a wheel from a car and telling you the wheel is an automobile.

In an example we look at vitamin C. You can buy ?vitamin C? that is called ?Ascorbic Acid?. Ascorbic acid is only one small part of the vitamin C complex. Vitamin C has enzymes, co-enzymes, antioxidants, trace elements, activators, and other unknown factors that enable the vitamin to go into the biochemical operation.

In turn, the human physiology cannot properly utilize these synthetic fractions in the way that natural complexes work in the body and are essential to tissue repair and the sustenance of life.

When a person starts taking a fraction of a vitamin ? and has sufficient reserves in his body of all the other components of the vitamin to recombine and process, the person may experience some improvement for a time. However when those reserves are drained, the vitamin will no longer benefit the person. Thus, a person may feel an increase in energy for a short period of time, but if taken for an extended period of time, the effects will reverse.

When vitamins were first discovered, they were discovered in foods. When foods were studied a lot was learned. Studies that show that vitamins work use a food source nutrient. In studies showing that vitamins don?t work, a synthetic was always used.

Additionally, the body actually has to recognize what you are putting into your body as food. Like the finicky cat, that looks at some new food offered it and says ?what is that?? You?re body does the same thing. It doesn?t recognize the synthetic vitamins and often just sends it right back out of the body.

A synthetic vitamin fraction can only be utilized for a drug or pharmacological effect. The effect of a drug is palliative - meaning a making or covering over of symptoms - it isn't curative. The disease process remains unchanged or progressively gets worse for lack of proper attention.

What is needed is vitamins that come from whole food, which comes along with all the co-factors present when you eat a food.

Tissue and cell repair, or replacement, require the following to restore the approximately 24 billion cells that break down each day in the human body.

? A constant, uninterrupted nerve impulse supply
? A constant, uninterrupted blood supply
? All of the VITAMINS in a natural, complex form.
? All of the minerals in an organic form in most instances
? All of the trace elements essential to metabolism
? All of the enzymes, coenzymes, and apoenzymes
? All of the 22 or more amino acids from protein hydrolysis
? A discontinuance of organic or inorganic poisons either inhaled or ingested in bad air, bad food and/or bad water.

This doesn?t happen using fractionated vitamins.

What is a natural vitamin or supplement? It is a whole food supplement, made from food, not made in the laboratory.

Hydroponics grow anywhere in the area

Hydroponics grow in any zone without any problems. You can grow them inside as well as outside it. While it grows cannabis seeds, it is necessary to be familiar with the tetra hydro cannabinol or THC. You can also buy them online.

People are cultivated varieties of plants in their gardens. But it is necessary to choose the perfect seeds for the proper growth of any plant. You must be careful during the perception of cannabis seeds because it is considered that a controversial drug. Scientifically, are divided into three categories which includes Cannabis Sativa' plant type, type "Cannabis Indica', 'Cannabis Ruderalis' plant type plant. The main component in cannabis is the psychoactive compound called tetra hydro cannabinol or THC. This is the main factor to be taken into account to buy cannabis seeds. While its seeds do not contain any real THC, each strain is designed to reliably produce a plant that will have this level of THC. If you are lucky enough to live in a country where the cultivation of cannabis is legal, you will be able to try it. If not, you will have to settle for your perfect seed that has the potential to produce certain levels of THC.

The next important aspect while buying cannabis seeds is its productivity. Performance is measured in grams and is made by the average yield in its breeder. If you want to increase the productivity of high seed yield, you should pay attention to every aspect, while the plant is growing.

Cultivation of Cannabis is illegal in some countries. But you don t need to get disappointed. There are several companies that export the seeds around the world. You can book your item and quantity through online shopping. This seed of marijuana will be delivered to you within a short tooth bread and without problems. The plant has many by-products as Kief, hashish and hashish oil.

Hydroponics system has become one of the most popular and advanced techniques that helps in the growth of many herbs and plants. There are several advantages of using this method, some of which are discussed below:

You don't need any type of soil for the cultivation of plants.

The water is stored in the system and can be reused later. This means that you don't have to pay a lot to collect the water.

You can also control the nutritional level of the plant. Here you can also save your money.

Grows in large quantity and also helps in the control of pests in hydroponics.

You can get the great productivity of plants.

It is a result oriented process. There has been extensive research in this area and to make this more advanced technique. Crops are top quality.

The most venerable benefit of cultivation of cannabis is that these plants are known for their medicinal value. It helps to cure several diseases hits hard as HIV, AIDS, pain, nausea, convulsions, fibromyalgia, arthritis and more. But since it is a controversial in few countries many people are not aware of their positive qualities. Hydroponics grow outdoors as well as indoor. People have been reaping huge profits from it.

How to Save Your Brain

Losing your mind is the most destructive disorder that a human being can encounter. Undoubtedly, the final solution lies in the prevention of brain degeneration. Memory can be improved by supplying the two components of the neurotransmitter, serotonin and acetylchlorine.

Most people who become senile and develop Alzheimers or other unchangeable form of brain degeneration are aware of it. The worst of it is: we do most of the damage to ourselves.

The amount of information processed by your ten billion brain cells each second makes our most advanced computers look like children's toys.Your brain controls everything, from the smallest wiggle of your toes to the momently balance of hundreds of hormones and the microscopically regulated metabolism of all the thirty trillion cells that enables you to think, feel and behave like a human being.

When only a few thousand brain cells get damaged or die,it effects our whole body. Because of poor nutriton, pollution in our body, over-use of drugs and lack of exercise, progressive brain damage builds up. Our intelligence declines, memories fade, muscles astrophy, bones weaken, immunity is lost and we become aged and an easy prey for every disease.

Undoubtedly,the final solution to disease lies in the prevention of brain degeneration.The good news is that recent nutrition science have discovered ways to maintain and even improve brain function.

In the average person, the first brain function to go is memory, starting at age 30 and accelerating after the age of 40.As long as you can store
new information in long-term memory and recall it, you can change your behaviour, improve your skills and enhance your life.

If that capacity declines, you become an automat, not able to learn anything new, forever re-enacting the habits and memories of an increasingly distant past.

In order to prevent this decline, it is good to know something about the structure of the neurons, which are the nerves in our brain. Each neuron consists of a stringy filement called a dendrite, then a cell body, then another stringly filement called an axon.

The dendrite carries nerve impulses towards the cell body and the axon carries them away again. The nerve impulses carry information, much like the electrical impulses that carry your spoken information along a telephone line.

However, unlike phone lines, neurons are not connected to each other. The end of axon of each neuron stops near the ends of dendrites of other neurons. The gap between the axon and the dendrites is called a synapse. The transmission of nerve impulses across the synapse is accomplished chemically by the release of neurotransmitters, compounds that flow from the axon to the neighboring dendrites.

Two of these compounds known to be involved in memory are serotonin and acetylcholine. Both are formed from specific essential nutrients that your body can't make. You must obtain them from your diet.

Learning is stored as memory mainly through modification of synapes. The particular pattern of synaptic discharges, called up by learning new information, sensitizes the neurons involved to trigger that pattern more easily on subsequent occasions. When the pattern recurs, memory of what was learned recurs also.

A new important discovery is that the amount of neurotransmitter present at the synapse, determines wether or not memory storage takes place. If the amount of neurotransmitter is reduced, memory storage is disrupted. We look at serotonin first.

The results of animal experiments at the Center for Neurobiology at the Columbia University show that memory storage can be increased by intoducing additional serotonin into the neuron. The same is true for humans, additional serotonin improve memory storage.

You can improve your memory if you sleep immediately after studying. Sleeping cuts off all further input and thus prevents interfering material from blocking storage of the learning. Now we know that the neurotransmitters are more important. Serotonin is released in large quantities into the brain as you fall asleep. It is the additional serotonin that improves memory storage.

The drug zimelidine also increase brain serotonin and imroves memory. Serotonin is formed in brain neurons from the essential animo acid l-tryptophan. The rate of serotonin formation depends on the amount of l-tryptophan that is available to the brain from the blood.

To raise your blood tryptophan you can eat proteins that contain tryptophan or you can take a pure tryptophan supplement. People in European countries have free access to this essential amino acid.

Because of the blood/brain barrier however,only an l-tryptophan supplement will raise brain tryptophan without difficulty. Transport of amino acids accross the blood/brain barrier is limited. Trytophan is one of the class of large neutral amino acids (LNAAs), that rely on a specific transporter molecule.

If you eat protein food at the same time as l-tryptophan, the other LNAAs in the food, isoleucine,leucine, valine, tyrosine and phenylalanine all compete with tryptophan for transport, as a result, only a fraction get through.

You can solve this problem by "neutrolizing" the other LNAAs in the blood by eating high carbohydrate food with the protein, like whole-grain bread or rice cakes. Carbohydrates lowers blood levels of all the LNAAs, except tryptophan, thereby permitting it to enter the brain preferably and so raise serotonin levels.Your memory will undoubtedly benefit from it.

The production of brain acetylcholine reduces when we grow older. However, memory improvement is achieved with the drug arecholine, which stimulates acetylcholine function. Brain acetylcholide is made from choline and pantothenic acid in your diet.

Memory improvement by taking choline can only be achieved when taken with pantothenic acid as well. Especially older people are lacking the essential nutrients, like folic acid, vitamin B12 and thiamin in their diet. Any strategy to maintain or improve memory must be based on complete neutrition.

It is useless to supply your brain with acetylchloline if the neurons, whose function it is supposed to improve, are already dead. People with early memory loss still retain functional neurons on which the choline can act. It is best to start early with choline supplements before degeneration starts.

Another factor to be taken into consideration is that when choline is taken it will only increase acetylcholine synthesis in the brain if the brain is stimulated, for example by studying. Also exercising the brain seems to be necessary to maintain your memory level.

Memory improvement doesn't happen overnight.. In most cases any improvement can only be experienced after several months, as it requires new growth of dendrites and axons and even growth of whole new neurons.

Science today has shown that it is possible to grow new brain cells. Dr Fernando Nottebohm has made this remarkable discovery from animal studies, when after given brainstimulating drugs and intense mental stimulation, grow new brain cells and connections in adulthood. Nottebohm believes it is also true for humans.

This new evidence proves that anyone can improve their brain, but it doesn't happen overnight. It can take up to ten months and six years for acetylcholine increasement.

In an attempt to increase brain acetylcholine with lecithin intake, you must take into account that lecithin bought in health food stores contains only small amounts of lecithin. Only phosphatidyl choline supplements of about 20 mg will work.

The latest discovery shows that acetyl-l-carnitine maintains brain function partly by antioxidant action.It improves memory, prevents brain cell loss, boosts intelligence and restores acetylcoline metabolism.

It is used in numerous doses of 1000-2000 mg per day throughout Europe for treatment of Alzheimers, depression and memory loss in the aged and for improvement by younger people.

Three Healthy Foods Cheap yet

Looking for a variety of cheap healthy foods that can help you rejuvenate from within? Here is the list of food items that are available everywhere and can be bought under very little budget. These foods are healthy, delicious and loved by everyone everywhere.

Pumpkin Seeds:
Pumpkins are known for their delicious taste and endless benefits. We have long been enjoying foods like Pumpkin Pies and Pumpkin Cakes and we all have been in great health. But did you know that its seeds provide even more nutrients than the whole pumpkin? Yes, pumpkin seeds are full of protein and healthy fats. These are loaded with lots zinc and minerals and are super cheap. This super healthy food can be bought from anywhere in many forms and can be eaten by toasting. If you are looking forward to add healthy food without gaining weight or spending extra money, get yourself a packet of Pumpkin Seeds.

Commonly available in tins and cans, this sea food is cheap and easily available in stores. It is a fact that Sardines are known for their non-tempting taste but it is also a fact that these are packed with proteins and Vitamin Ds. You will also enjoy the benefits of Omega 3 Fats from these. By eating Sardines you will allow your brain to function proficiently. Hence it is a super healthy yet super cheap and super beneficial food for your brain.

Green in color, high in fiber and great for kids. Kale is a delicious vegetable that is not only cheap but highly nutritious. This can be easily found in stores and can be eaten in many ways. The best way to get benefits from Kale is by eating it in salads. However, you can do a little extra to enjoy more. Chop the kales, put them in pan. Add some salt and olive oil and even garlic pasta and let it roast. You and your kids will love the roasted Kale and this will become one of the healthy foods in your life ? that is super affordable.

A Brief History Of Honey

Honey has been around far longer than the little squeezable plastic bear containers we may have in our cupboards! It is impossible to say how long people have been gathering and consuming honey because even our earliest historical records indicate that we have enjoyed the work of bees.

Cave paintings believed to have been created in or around 7000 BC show that people were keeping bees even then. Honeybees predate that record by centuries, though. Fossil evidence shows that bees were working their magic over 150 million years ago, which means that even the earliest people may have made use of honey.

We know that ancient Egyptians kept bees in specially made hives. The bee makes regular appearances in Egyptian hieroglyphics and was often used as a symbol of royalty as far back as 2400 BC. The Egyptians used honey in a variety of capacities. It was, of course, used to sweeten food and drink. It as also used as an ingredient in embalming fluids and was offered the gods as a sacrifice!

The ancient Greeks also used honey. It was an important feature of early Greek cuisine and was also used as a health aid. The Romans relied heavily on honey within their diets and beekeeping was one of the Roman Empire?s growth industries.

The growth of Christianity, in time, led to an increased demand for Bees wax for church candles. Honey also grew in popularity as a sweetener. The appeal of honey continued to grow, unabated, through the Renaissance. At that time, however, sugar from other parts of the world became more common and the use of honey went into decline.

By the 1600s, sugar was actually used more often than honey as a sweetener. Honey production, however, did not die. Beeswax remained a valuable commodity and the discovery that kept bees could help in the pollination of fruit-bearing trees also helps support the industry. At the same time, honey was still the preferred sweetener of many people and significant numbers recognized the valuable medicinal and health-related properties of honey.

Honey continues to be an important component in a great deal of cooking, its relative health superiority and the resurgence in interest in traditional medicine and healing is also encouraging to the honey industry. Bees have been used to signify ancient royalty. They were embroidered on the robes of Napoleon. Today, they fill cute plastic bears and sit on our tables and within our pantries. Beekeeping and honey have always been an important part of human history.

What is Alkaline Ionized Water?

Your health is your most important asset! Find out how Alkaline Ioized Water can improve your health, help you feel more energetic, improve your athletic performance and prevent several diseases.

What is Alkaline Ionized Water ?

First let us start with water. The water that we drink can be acidic, neutral or alkaline. The measure that we use to determine it?s state is called the pH level. When the pH level is at 7.0, it is considered to be in a neutral state. When it is below 7.0 it is considered to be in an acidic state and above 7.0 in an alkaline state. Ionization is a process by which Hydrogen ions or Hydroxyl ions are added to the water so it become more acidic or alkaline. Acidic water is beneficial for the use outside the body and more specifically the skin. Acidic water is also very good for plant growth. Alkaline water has many health benefits that are described in more details in the next section.

What are the health benefits of Alkaline Ionized Water ?

There are many ?buzzwords? that we often hear when we try to educate ourselves on healthy eating habits. Two of them that we hear more about lately are ?Antioxidant? and ?Free Radicals? We frequently hear about them because as the scientific research progresses, it is now believed that they have an important role in preventing or causing diseases like cancer, diabetes or heart diseases and many others. Antioxidants helps preventing these diseases while Free Radicals do the opposite. Here how it works. The cells in our body produce waste that contains Free Radicals. If the cells produce an excess of Free Radicals, our body can become more prone to several diseases. Antioxidant are nutrients in our foods and and in what we drink that neutralize the Free Radicals and in the process produce oxygen that is beneficial to the cell. Now you can understand better why people who start drinking Alkaline Ionized Water feel more energetic. It is because of the extra supply of oxygen that the cells receive. Because of the neutralizing effect that they have on Free Radicals, Antioxidant are considered as anti-diseases, anti-cancer and anti-aging. Because our diet is made up of foods that tends to be acidic, over time it creates an environment that is conducive to diseases. Drinking Alkaline Ionized water helps to restore a balanced pH which in turn will help you to remain healthy.

Without delving too deeply into the chemistry of water, we can understand that because the molecules of Alkaline ionized water are about half the size of those of conventional water, it allows them to pass through our tissues easier. This has two positive effects: The first being that Alkaline Ionized Water is considered to be up to six times more hydrating. The second is that Alkaline Ionized Water is very effective in eliminating toxins and acidic waste and thus detoxify your body.

Lastly the minerals in Alkaline Ionized water have a better bio-availability.
Here is a summary of the benefits of Alkaline Ionized water:

Powerful antioxidant
Balance our body pH
More Oxygen
More Hydrating
Better bio-availability of minerals

Where can I buy Alkaline Ionized Water ?

To answer that question you must understand first that Alkaline Ionized water can retain it?s properties for a limited time only. The antioxidant properties remain for about 18 to 24 hours while the Alkaline properties remain about 7 to 10 days. So you need to buy a Water Ionizer to produce it in your home to benefit from it.

Do I need to buy a Water Filter along with a Water Ionizer ?

No because many models by the major manufacturers like Tyent, Jupiter, Ionsways and others have also a built in Water Filter.

Which one is the best?

As usual this question is not easy to answer because there are six components to this question.
- Price of the product
- Performance of the product
- Quality of the product
- Your budget
- Warranty
- After Sale Service

All these components are important. But if you are looking mostly at the performance and quality of the product, you should look at the comparative evaluation made by an independent reviewer. This evaluation is available at heathierlifeclub.com. Click on Water Ionizers Tab then click on the link at the bottom of the page "Which Water Ionizer is the Best ?"

* This information is for educational purpose only and is not meant to cure or treat any disease or illness.

Nutritional Medicine

Few physicians, have any knowledge of the health benefits of taking high quality nutritional supplements. Vitamins are a hot issue within the medical field. Cellular nutrition is defined as providing all of the nutrients to the cell at optimal levels.

Nutritional Medicine is unknown to most physicians as well as the public. The benefits of a good exercise program and a healthy diet are well known. Few however, especially physicians, have any knowledge of the health benefits of taking high quality nutritional supplements. Vitamins are a hot issue within the medical field.

But the verdict is in. What your doctor doesn't know about nutritional medicine may be killing you. Only about 6% of the graduating physicians in America have received any training in nutrition. Doctors believe that you don't need supplements and that you get all the nutrients you need from a good diet.

Doctor and patients alike must take a long hard look at how they approach health care to-day. Numerous studies prove that a healthy diet, a good exercise program and high quality nutritional supplements is the absolute best way to maintain your health and to regain your health after you have lost it.

There are records of amazing results by practising nutritional medicine. Patients with multiple schlerosis, who have gone from wheelchair-bound to walking again. Some cancer patients have gone into remission, patients with macular degeneration have found significant visual improvement and fibromyalgia patients have regained their lives.

Oxidative stress is the underlying cause of all chronic degenerative diseases, like coronary heart disease, stroke, cancer, arthritis, multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer's and macular degeneration.

Heart disease is not caused by high cholesterol, but the inflamation of blood vessels, which can be reduced and even totally eliminated by taking nutritional supplements.

Antioxidants and there supporting nutrients have become our new weapon in the war against our number one killer: heart disease.

Fruits and vegetables contain thousands of extremely potent bioflavanoids. They also have some anti-allergic and anti-inflammatory properties.

Red whine and grape juice contain polythenols, which has been proven to reduce the formation of oxidized LDL cholesterol. Grape seed extract is known as the best antioxidant to prevent
chronic inflammatory disease.

Vitamin E is the best antioxidant for the cell wall, vitamin C for the plasma and glutathione is the best intra cellular antioxidant. All of these antioxidants need the so-called antioxidant minerals and B-cofactors to do their job.

These ingredients work together in synergy as they accomplish the ultimate goal of defeating oxidative stress.

Doctors are content to let the pharmaceutical companies determine new therapies when they develop new drugs. But our natural antioxidant and immune system are the best defence against the development of chronic degenerative diseases.

There is some good news however, medical research is beginning to support the idea of supplementation with a mixture of antioxidants and supporting nutrients. This mix can enhance
traditional chemo and radiation therapy and at the same time protecting normal cells from toxic effects.

But you don't have to be a physician to start practising nutritional medicine, you as a patient can become proactive about preserving the health you have.

Cellular nutrition is defined as providing all of the nutrients to the cell at optimal levels or to those levels which provide a health benefit according to medical literature. Your life and health depends on it. They are far more superior to any drugs your doctor prescribe.

Mediterranean Diet: How to Lower Cholesterol Effortlessly by Including More Tomatoes in Your Diet

Recent scientific studies have shown that people who eat regularly tomatoes and tomato products are less likely to suffer from heart attacks than those who don?t make tomatoes part of their diets.

The traditional Mediterranean diet, rich in tomatoes, tomato products, and other carotenoids has been associated with a lower incidence of chronic diseases, including heart disease. Recent scientific studies have shown that people who eat regularly tomatoes and tomato products are less likely to suffer from heart attacks than those who don?t make tomatoes part of their diets.

Tomatoes and the arteries
Tomatoes are crucial in the fight against heart disease because they contain lycopene. Lycopene has been identified as the responsible substance for the antioxidant effects of tomatoes in many studies; recent research suggests that consumption of tomato products prevents the oxidation of LDL cholesterol, the ?bad? guy. Oxidized cholesterol is considered the primary initial step leading to the formation of plaque in the arteries and consequently to heart attacks.

What is lycopene?
Lycopene is the red pigment found in several fruits and vegetables such as guava, rosehips, watermelon, pink grapefruit, and red chilies, but it mainly comes from tomatoes and tomato products. As a powerful antioxidant, lycopene prevents the oxidation of LDL cholesterol caused by free radicals. Free radicals are highly unstable and destructive molecules that subject our cells to oxidative stress, continuous damage that eventually kills the cells. When radicals kill or damage enough cells in an organism, the organism ages and eventually dies. In a study to investigate the effects of tomato lycopene on the oxidation of cholesterol, Agarwal and colleagues provided the participants one-to-two servings per day of tomato juice, spaghetti sauce, and concentrated lycopene for one week. The study showed an important reduction of oxidized LDL cholesterol.

Lycopene can also reduce the amount of cholesterol in the blood. For three months, 60 men were fed 60 milligrams of lycopene per day?the equivalent found in 1 kilo of tomatoes. At the end of the treatment period, the results showed a 14 percent reduction in LDL cholesterol in the blood.

Absorption of lycopene
An important consideration in studying lycopene is its absorption by our cells. Our tissues have to gulp lycopene from the food we eat and get it inside our cells before they can put it to some use. Research has shown that the level of lycopene found in our organs? tissues is a better indicator of disease prevention than the amount of lycopene we eat. Individuals who have a high concentration of lycopene in their tissues have a lower risk of heart attacks than those who have a low level. In a two-week study conducted by Micozzi, the subjects followed a diet that did not contain lycopene. By the end of the second week, the level of lycopene in the blood of these individuals had decreased by 50 percent and the cholesterol oxidation had increased by 25 percent.

Research has also shown that lycopene is better absorbed when the meal includes some fat.

How to increase absorption of lycopene
Lycopene appears more readily in the blood if the meal includes a source of fat or if the tomatoes have been heated, as in the case of tomato sauce and tomato paste. Heat changes the chemical structure of lycopene and makes it ready for our cells to swallow it up. Once inside the cells, it is deposited in all our organs. A study published in 1998 showed that our cells absorb lycopene better from processed tomato products than from fresh tomatoes.

To increase the level of lycopene in your body tissues you can do several things:

a. Process the tomatoes with heat. An example would be tomato sauce, tomato paste, or tomato soup.

b. Eat fresh tomatoes with fats such as olive oil.

c. Eat products that contain lycopene with other food antioxidants. An example would be eating tomatoes with other vegetables such as in salads or eating a piece of fruit for dessert. Use olive oil and lemon juice as dressing, and you will have the perfect combination of lycopene and antioxidants.

d. In a study conducted by Tyssandier and colleagues, the subjects were supplemented with 96 grams of tomato puree per day for three months. The volunteers then avoided foods rich in tomatoes for the next three weeks. The results showed that including tomato puree in a regular diet significantly increased blood lycopene, beta-carotene, and lutein. Avoiding tomato products for three weeks decreased the level of all antioxidants as well as the total antioxidant capacity of the blood.

Ways to Include More Tomatoes in Your Meals

a. Make it a point to always have tomatoes at home. Bright red, ripe tomatoes have more lycopene than green or yellow.

b. Always include tomatoes in your salads. Use olive oil and lemon or vinegar as dressing.

c. Eat pasta with tomato sauce.

d. Add some tomato slices to your sandwich.

e. Rub half a tomato on the bread you eat with your meal.

f. Always keep canned tomatoes??no salt added??on hand. They are very handy when you are in a hurry and need them for soups or sauces. One of my favorite brands is Muir Glen Organic? ?no salt added,? of course.

g. Whenever possible, visit your local farmers? market and look for locally grown tomatoes.

Is pizza a good combination of tomato and fat?
Although pizza is not the ideal combination of fat and lycopene because the fat in cheese is mainly saturated, the wrong type for our arteries, you can eat pizza in moderation. Ask the waiter or cook to go easy on the cheese and hold the pepperoni and ham.

Stay healthy as a vegetarian

Vegetarianism is a growing practice in the world today. Many choose to follow this path because of health, religion, taste, culture, or economy. In the traditional sense, being a vegetarian means refraining from eating meat and fish, though some vegetarian diets have expanded restrictions.

This can be a great way to improve your diet because it calls for an increase in consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables and requires you to monitor your food intake. Paying attention to what you eat and creating an accountability program for yourself is proven to help you eat healthier.

Anyone who embarks on a vegetarian diet should have some concerns about the nutrients they are missing out on. The main concern is usually for protein, and for good reason. Some other deficiencies can occur in iron, and the essential fatty acids (EFAs).

Proteins are chains of amino acids that work in the body at a cellular level to cause chemical reactions, signal cells, and create the structure of the body. When digested, protein also acts as a fuel. There are eight amino acids that are essential to have in a diet and only a few plant sources have them all. They include sources like lupin, hempseed, chia seed, quinoa, buckwheat, and amaranth. Unfortunately most of these are not the common day to day food we stock in our fridges. Another option is having a combination of rice and beans. But again this can get old quickly especially if you have to eat it every day. A good solution to this problem is to add whey protein to your diet. Whey protein is usually in a sweet tasting, powder form that you can then make shakes from. This is a great way to get the protein you need and monitor your protein to see that you are getting enough. If you can rotate through a plant source, rice and beans, and whey, you will have a nice variety of protein in your diet.

Iron is another nutrient that your body might be missing out on if you are sticking to a vegetarian plan. One of iron?s main tasks in the body is to carry oxygen to all the cells. You become anemic when an iron deficiency occurs. This makes you feel tired, weak, and even mentally slower. Another sign is the inability for your body to maintain the needed body temperature. Long term, anemia can affect your organs since oxygen flow is restricted. Iron rich foods are common and it is just important that they are added to your diet. Some foods with iron include whole wheat bread, black beans, oatmeal, nuts, and tomato juice. If you are worried about your iron intake, a supplement or multivitamin is an easy way to get what you need.

Essential Fatty Acids are necessary to maintain the cardiovascular, reproductive, nervous, and immune systems. They basically take care of all of your cells by making cell membranes and allowing release of waste. Many Americans are already at risk for not having enough EFAs and vegetarians are in greater danger. EFAs mainly prevent future problems so you may not know you have a problem with EFAs intake until it is too late. Flaxseed oil is the best known source of EFAs though other foods (walnuts, seeds, avocado, and leafy green vegetables) contain them as well. It is very difficult to get all the EFAs you need from diet alone and so taking a supplement is usually recommended.

When you take care of your nutrition needs, vegetarianism is a great way to go. Vegetarians are generally healthier than most Americans because they actually pay attention to what they eat and care. Don?t forget to care about your protein, iron, and EFA?s as well.

Natural Remedies For Insomnia

Insomnia is a nightmare. The more exhausted you are - the harder it is to sleep. And taking prescription or over the counter medicine can cause addiction and disturbing side effects, which can make insomnia worse.

Insomnia can be due to many causes; such as, anxiety, caffeine, depression, low blood sugar, nutritional deficiencies, pain, reaction to prescribed medications, restless leg syndrome, sleep apnea, stress, tension and thyroid gland disturbances. There are also several types of insomnia.

Natural approaches for a good night sleep include avoiding certain foods, foods and beverages containing caffeine, getting enough exercise and proper nutrition, and practicing relaxation techniques.

Going to bed hungry can cause problems sleeping. Eating an ounce or two of a low fat, low protein, sweet, starchy food one hour before bedtime has been as effective as a sleeping pill for many people. Salty foods should be avoided at bedtime, they stimulate the adrenal glands.

Increasing your consumption of foods rich in iron and copper may improve your quality of sleep. When nervous tension causes sleep problems, drinking carrot juice combined with apple, grape, papaya, pear or pineapple juice may also be of help.

When a regular exercise program is part of your daytime schedule, an after dinner stroll or routine gentle bending and stretching exercise before bed can help relax tense muscles and help with the onset of sleep.

Supplements unlike pharmaceutical medicine, lead to a more natural sleep. In addition to a daily multivitamin-mineral supplement, separate supplements may be beneficial.

Vitamin B complex plus extra B5 (pantothenic acid) and B6 (pyridoxine) and inositol help promote a restful state.

A lack of the nutrients calcium and magnesium will cause you to wake up after a few hours of sleep and then not be able to return to sleep.

Melatonin (a natural occurring hormone) used as a supplement may be a natural aid to better sleep. Additional health benefits include its role as an antioxidant, stimulation of the immune system and several parts of the endocrine system. It does not alter your sleep pattern like many prescription sleeping pills and it does not impair performance related skills.

Tryptophan (an essential amino acid) is found to be a safe and a reasonably effective sleep aid. Possibly due to its ability to increase levels of serotonin (a calming neurotransmitter). Foods with plentiful tryptophan include chocolate, oats, bananas, mangoes, milk, eggs, yogurt, cottage cheese, red meat, fish, poultry, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, sesame, chickpeas and peanuts.

Using herbs such as catnip, chamomile, hops, lady slipper, lavender, passion flower, skullcap and valerian root (capsules or extract) are all good and may help the insomniac.

The Alphabet Of Vitamins

There are so many vitamins, but what do they all do? Choose a letter and there is a vitamin for it. I am going to explain some of these and the benefits they can give to you.

Pick a letter of the alphabet and chances are you?re going to find a vitamin for it.

With all the vitamins out there, how do you know which one fits your need?

You don?t want to grab an A when you are looking for a C! Maybe you just need a vitamin. Let?s look at some of the more common vitamins and why they are used.

Vitamin A
it?s a sunny day and you escape back inside. When you do, you notice your eyes adjusting from the change in light. That is Vitamin A working. Vitamin A is for your eyes. The easy way I remember that Vitamin A is for eyesight is a memory device. I say the sentence, ?When it?s bright outside the sun tickles my soul?.
I then think to myself, Hey there?s no A?s in that sentence and I associate my eyes with Vitamin A. Go ahead, you try it.

Vitamin B
Vitamin B plays an essential role in growth, development, and a variety of other bodily functions. There are tons of different types of B vitamins. A balanced diet that includes 5 daily servings of fruits and vegetables will get you your recommended daily dosage but many of us don?t get enough fruits and veggies. A vitamin B supplement can help you.
I have always associated Vitamin B with a Big Black Bear. My mother used to tell me that if I did not eat my vegetables a Big Black Bear would sneak into my room at night and eat all of my toys. Be Safe from Bears, Take your vitamin B.

Benefits of Vitamin B
Support and increase the rate of metabolism
Maintain healthy skin and muscle tone
Enhance immune and nervous system function
Promote cell growth and division, including that of the red blood cells that help prevent anemia
Reduce the risk of pancreatic cancer
All B vitamins are water-soluble, and are dispersed throughout the body. Most of the B vitamins must be replenished regularly, since any excess is excreted in the urine

Vitamin C
everyone has heard of Vitamin C. You don?t want scurvy do you? Most people think Vitamin C helps protect you against the common cold. Yeah, not so much but it does help provide protection against immune system deficiencies cardiovascular disease, prenatal health problems, eye disease, and even skin wrinkling. Again you can get your Vitamin C through fruits and veggies but really, who eats enough of them. Go get a cheap Vitamin C supplement and you should be all set. I guess the best way to remember Vitamin C is to remember it as a cure for a Cold. Then once you remember that, think to yourself?No it?s not. Then you are confused and confused starts with a C.

I hope my simple guide to some of the most common vitamins helps you out. The main point is that most of us don?t take advantage of the proper diet to get the daily recommended doses of our vitamins. An easy way to fix this is with supplementation.

Diet Is Important Part Of Day

Food is rich in energy and this energy can be taken in adequate amount to stay healthy. Energy can be obtained from nutritions present in the food. Nutritions can be obtain from balanced diet.

Anything eatable in the nature is known as food. From ages human beings depend on food for their living. Every living thing consume something or the other to get energy for their development and growth. This energy is directly gained from food. Foods can be classified into two main categories, Body-building food and Energy giving food. As names suggests, their uses are for the very purpose.

Food is not only concerned with energy but also it regulates the dietary imbalances in our body. Diet is what we intake to get energy from the things we eat daily. Suppose we wake up and take a cup of coffee or tea, our diet starts from that only. And if we plus all the items that we have consumed from morning bed tea to Dinner, all is our diet. Hence, it is very important to take a balanced and nutritious diet. A balanced diet is the one which contains all the nutritions in equal amount. Nutritions gives us energy for our daily activities. So we can conclude that food is essential for an active body.

A human can stay active only when he takes all nutritions in equal and adequate amount. Nutritions are mainly of five types; Minerals, Vitamins, Carbohydrates, Fats and Water. Each of nutrition is important for proper functioning of our body parts and also if we consume each of these improperly, them they can cause various fatal diseases. For example, if we consume fats riched food daily in all the main meals of the day, then we can become obese or we may suffer from breath or heart related problems. Similarily, if we take enough carbohydrates, we may suffer from cancer related problems. Another point is deficiency of these nutritions. If our body feels deficiency in these nutritions then also we may suffer from some diseases. Like if we are suffering from Night Blindness, then this means we have deficiency of Vitamin A, or if we are having bones related problems then we have shortage of Vitamin D.

Similarly, shortage of salt in our body can lead to Goiter, and access of sugar in our body can cause Diabetic diseases. Hence, all the above mentioned nutritions are to be taken in according to their caloric levels and their uses according to our body. Calories are units of energy taken by our body in our daily diet. These nutritions can be found in our daily edible food items. As we can find Vitamin A in Fish, Green Vegetables, Cord liver oil, and so no. Vitamin D can be obtained from Sun light, friuts, and pulses. Vitamin C can be obtained from citrus fruits like lemon, orange, curd and juices. Minerals can be obtained from Pulses, beans, other seeds. Hence, taking a healthy food makes us healthy.

Herbal Nutrition For Immune System Health

If you take care of your immune system, it will take care of you. It is designed to protect you from disease. A healthy immune system is the key to the prevention and treatment of disease. The key to a healthy immune system is proper intake of nutritious elements.

The vitamins and minerals contained in herbs are vital to health. They supply the herbal nutrition which the cells use to strengthen resistance to disease. Herbs are natural, healing medicine with numerous health benefits.

The specific regions of the human body that are associated with the immune system involve the blood, the bowels, the circulation, nervous system and the thymus gland.

There are many ways to strengthen your immunity. Eating properly is one of them. Every nutrient affects the immune system. Zinc is vital for keeping the immune system healthy.

Proper nutrition is crucial to keeping a clean blood stream, which keeps the immune system in tip top health. When toxins circulate around in the blood stream they can poison the cells which diminish immunity to disease causing a person to feel sick and run down. Keeping your blood stream clean with proper foods and herbs is extremely important.

"Intestinal toxemia" is brought on by eating the wrong amounts and types of food. These are foods which certain bacteria grow vigorously on and produce toxins. The toxins are then carried through the blood stream to the rest of your body. Symptoms of "intestinal toxemia" include fatigue, gastrointestinal conditions, headaches, nervousness, skin problems and others.

Good circulation is also essential to the health of our immunity. It is responsible for increasing blood supply to the entire body and the heart muscle. Proper diet, exercise and stress management are three key factors that help protect the heart to ensure it does not give out before its time.

The nervous system connects the body to the outside world and reacts to the environment. It controls all the functions of the body and regulates the activities of all the other body systems.

The thymus is the master gland of the immune system. It is responsible for producing white blood cells, the cells of the immune system that protect our bodies against both infectious disease and foreign materials.

Stress removes nutrients from our bodies at an astonishing rate. In a sense, stress is a toxin, because it causes free radicals to form in the body.

Herbs can help relax the body, without side effects. The herb passion flower will relieve the effects of stress. It is a natural tranquilizer and will relax tension in the nervous system and helps to control high blood pressure. It tones the nerve centers, improves circulation and gives nutrition to feed the nerves. It contains passiflorine, which is similar in effect to morphine, however, it is non-narcotic and there is no possibility of addiction.

Severe emotional stress can cause shrinkage of the thymus gland.

Herbs that protect the immune system are known as "sulfur herbs". They contain the element sulfur which dissolves acids in the system. In addition they act as antiseptics and strengthen the blood and tissues.

Herbal Supplements For Immune System Health

Astragalus, Burdock, Chaparral, Comfrey, Echinacea, Fennel, Garlic, Juniper Berries, Kelp, Licorice, Lobelia, Mullein, Parsley, Plantain, Sarsaparilla, Shepherd's Purse and Stinging Nettle.

8 Natural Remedies For Varicose Veins

Varicose veins are weakened veins that lack the strength they once had to return the blood to the heart. Veins in the legs are the most easily affected, for they are straight down from the heart.

Blood that circulates to the legs must be pumped back up to the heart. But, veins are equipped with one way valves to prevent the blood from flowing back down the legs. When the valves are stretched or damaged they do not close properly, and the blood slips back down and pools, causing the veins to stretch out and appear blue and puffy. Thus, varicose veins.

Women experience varicose veins more so than men. Partially due to the hardships of pregnancy and childbirth. In preparation of childbirth a woman's body releases hormones that weaken the collagen and connective tissues in the pelvis to make giving birth easier. These same hormones can weaken the collagen and valves in the veins.

The cause of varicose veins is largely hereditary. If you suffer from achy, tired, listless legs here are some natural remedies that may help bring some relief.

1. Do not wear tight fitting clothes. Tight garments that are constricting keeps blood pooled in your legs.

2. Avoid standing and sitting (especially with legs crossed) for long periods of time. This could help reduce your risk of developing varicose veins. Regular exercise; such as, biking, jogging and especially walking helps to prevent and combat varicose veins once they form.

3. Wear support hose. Wearing support hose resist the blood's tendency to pool in the small blood vessels closest to the skin. Instead, the blood is pushed into the larger, deeper veins where it is easier to get the blood pumped back up to
the heart.

4. For quick relief from tired, achy legs: Slip on your support hose, lie flat on your back, lift your legs straight up in the air, resting them against a wall. Hold this position for two minutes. This will allow the blood to flow out of the swollen veins and back toward your heart. Repeat as often as you like throughout the day.

5. Vitamin C promotes healthy veins. It also aids circulation by reducing the chances for blood clots to form. Take 1500 milligrams daily in divided doses.

6. Zinc also promotes healthy veins. Take 15 to 30 milligrams daily.

7. A combination of ginkgo biloba and gotu kola supplements; together, these two herbs help strengthen circulation and over time should reduce the formation of new varicose veins.

8. Commission E, Germany's version of the Food and Drug Administration has reported supporting the use of horse chestnut supplements to treat varicose veins. It is believed that horse chestnut works by strengthening the cells of the capillaries.