8 Natural Remedies For Varicose Veins

Varicose veins are weakened veins that lack the strength they once had to return the blood to the heart. Veins in the legs are the most easily affected, for they are straight down from the heart.

Blood that circulates to the legs must be pumped back up to the heart. But, veins are equipped with one way valves to prevent the blood from flowing back down the legs. When the valves are stretched or damaged they do not close properly, and the blood slips back down and pools, causing the veins to stretch out and appear blue and puffy. Thus, varicose veins.

Women experience varicose veins more so than men. Partially due to the hardships of pregnancy and childbirth. In preparation of childbirth a woman's body releases hormones that weaken the collagen and connective tissues in the pelvis to make giving birth easier. These same hormones can weaken the collagen and valves in the veins.

The cause of varicose veins is largely hereditary. If you suffer from achy, tired, listless legs here are some natural remedies that may help bring some relief.

1. Do not wear tight fitting clothes. Tight garments that are constricting keeps blood pooled in your legs.

2. Avoid standing and sitting (especially with legs crossed) for long periods of time. This could help reduce your risk of developing varicose veins. Regular exercise; such as, biking, jogging and especially walking helps to prevent and combat varicose veins once they form.

3. Wear support hose. Wearing support hose resist the blood's tendency to pool in the small blood vessels closest to the skin. Instead, the blood is pushed into the larger, deeper veins where it is easier to get the blood pumped back up to
the heart.

4. For quick relief from tired, achy legs: Slip on your support hose, lie flat on your back, lift your legs straight up in the air, resting them against a wall. Hold this position for two minutes. This will allow the blood to flow out of the swollen veins and back toward your heart. Repeat as often as you like throughout the day.

5. Vitamin C promotes healthy veins. It also aids circulation by reducing the chances for blood clots to form. Take 1500 milligrams daily in divided doses.

6. Zinc also promotes healthy veins. Take 15 to 30 milligrams daily.

7. A combination of ginkgo biloba and gotu kola supplements; together, these two herbs help strengthen circulation and over time should reduce the formation of new varicose veins.

8. Commission E, Germany's version of the Food and Drug Administration has reported supporting the use of horse chestnut supplements to treat varicose veins. It is believed that horse chestnut works by strengthening the cells of the capillaries.

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