Health Benefits of Grass Fed Beef

Why you should make free range and grass-fed meats part of your diet, and cut out factory farmed meats.

?Grass fed? means that the cattle or farm animal from which your meat comes have eaten only grass & other naturally foraged foods. Free range means that they are not raised & kept in disgusting conditions, & fed with huge doses of antibiotics to fend off disease and infection & given growth hormones in order to be brought to slaughter more quickly & turn over a larger profit for the farmer.

The diet of the animal makes all the difference to the meat it will yield, of course. One of the most important differences between grain-fed & grass-fed beef is that grass-fed has a much higher content of good fats, & fewer bad fats. Good fats are what we need to live & have energy; bad fats are what kill us. An understanding of the difference of bad and healthy meats & clean food is essential to understanding nutrition. High instances of things that are fantastic for your health, like omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidants & vitamins such as vitamin E, are all present in grass-fed beef.

Basically, gluten is okay for you, in small amounts. Eat too much & you?ll be consuming way too many ?empty calories.? Stick with gluten-free or low-gluten diets for the best nutritional punch you can find.

What do you think? What are your thoughts on gluten & gluten-free (or low-gluten) diets? We?re interested to hear from all of you!

Fat has 9 calories per gram, compared with only 4 calories for protein and carbohydrates. The greater the fat content, the greater the number of calories.

If you eat a typical amount of beef (66.5 pounds a year), switching to grassfed beef will save you 17,733 calories a year?without requiring any willpower or change in eating habits. If everything else in your diet remains constant, you'll lose about six pounds a year. If all Americans switched to grassfed meat, our national epidemic of obesity would begin to diminish.

These things are all essential for well-rounded good health. When the omega 6 fats to omega 3 fats ratio exceeds 4:1 in our diet, health problems occur. Grain-fed beef has a ratio of around 20:1, whereas grass-fed beef is at 3:1. Grass fed farming is becoming more and more popular as the health benefits become known & are practiced by farmers & supported by butchers like Cannings butchers.

If you?re thinking of your health and well-being, you?re much better off spending a little more on grass fed beef. There is a world of difference. After all Fat loss & lean muscle mass is achieved not only through correct training but also eating properly."

Be Healthy With Quick Healthy Snacks - NUTS

Find various types and benefits of nuts. Add these healthy foods to your daily diet for leading a better life.

Hungry?? Need a healthy bite? Simply munch a handful of nuts and get an instant energy boost. Nothing can be more delicious and nutritious than these quick snacks - NUTS. Good to taste and bundled with endless health benefits, these crunchy titbits are one of the most healthy foods offering an instant nutritional punch compared to other fast foods like potato chips, burgers, & corn chips with almost zero nutritional value. It's a well-known fact that any other food just can't beat nutritional benefits offered by these natural, pocket-size diet foods. Nuts are rich source of fiber, vitamins, proteins, nutrients, monounsaturated fats, antioxidants, and minerals, which the body needs to function properly. That's why they hold an honored place in our kitchen and dominate the breakfast table. There's vast variety of nuts available with different nutrition facts. Here are several types and benefits of nuts:

Walnuts (Inflammation Fighters)
These healthy snacks are powerhouse of nutrition and amazing inflammation fighters. A wonderful fact about walnuts is that they improve sleep as major hormone that induces sleep is found in them in abundance. Apart from this, it protects body from cellular damages that can cause premature aging, cancer, and numerous heart diseases. They provide antioxidant defense as they are good source of omega-3 fatty acids, which can't be produced by our body. They provide defense against conditions like asthma, eczema, psoriasis and rheumatoid arthritis and prevents reproduction of cancer cells. Its benefits don't end here; walnuts play an important role in lowering cholesterol, texture of hair, eyesight, and blood vessel health.

Almonds (Good for Gut)
Almonds have powerful antioxidants and are rich source of vitamin E, protein, folic acid, potassium, and fiber. These heart-healthy nuts are packed with monounsaturated fats that help lowering LDL cholesterol and reduce risk of heart diseases. They are also known for lowering down blood sugar level and blood pressure. Phosphorus found in them is beneficial for healthy bones and teeth. As per Ayurveda, almonds help attaining high intellectual level and longevity. Almonds are extremely good for gut and may help you slip in your skinny jeans, which doesn't fit otherwise. They are superfoods like blueberries and pomegranates that promote weight loss and unsweetened almond milk can help in quickly shedding those unwanted pounds. Riboflavin, copper, and manganese in them boost stamina for long working hours. Maximum benefits of almonds can be attained when they are soaked overnight and consumed with morning breakfast. It's not just the eating that is great, add almond oil or almond milk massage to skincare regime, for softer, more supple and flawless skin.

Cashews (Brainpower Boosters)
These brainpower boosters are rich source of zinc, iron and magnesium. Magnesium is good for brain functioning and helps preventing memory loss due to aging. Iron prevents conditions like anemia and zinc is essential for healthy vision. They are known for reducing risk of heart diseases and cancer. A good source of copper, cashews help maintaining hair and skin color. They provide flexibility in bones and joints. Moreover magnesium present in these nuts keeps nerves relaxed along with muscles and blood vessels. Women who add atleast an ounce of nuts like cashews in their weekly diet have 25% lower risk of developing gallstones.

Pecans (Artery Defenders)
Buttery, delicious, yet lusciously-flavored - pecans are one of the famous edible tree nuts known to Americans since centuries. They are house for more than 19 vital vitamins and minerals including vitamins A, B, and E, folic acid, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, and zinc. They are rich in age defying antioxidants and help in boosting immune system. A research done by USDA unveils that pecans are most antioxidant-rich tree nut and counted among top 15 foods with highest levels of antioxidants. They are an excellent staple food for vegetarians, as one serving of pecans can replace protein found in an ounce of meat. Just one ounce of pecans offers 10 percent of the Daily Recommended intake of fiber. WOW! They are helpful in lowering blood pressure, preventing cancer, protecting body against cell damage, lowering 'bad' cholesterol, maintaining a healthy heart, and weight-loss. A bowl of Greek yogurt topped with yummy blueberries and pecans can be a great way to kick off the day.

High in antioxidants like vitamins A and E, pistachios are known for fighting inflammation, protecting blood vessels, improving vision, and reducing risk of heart disease. Moderate intake of pistachios has shown to reduced "bad" cholesterol and increase good cholesterol. They are incredibly rich in vitamin B6, essential for making hemoglobin and plays important role in maintaining healthy nervous system. Deficiency in vitamin B6 can retard brain activity while decreasing effectiveness of immune system for fighting infections, abundance of Vitamin B6 in pistachios helps maintaining health of lymphoid glands and in production of WBCs (white blood cells), which defend infections. They also contain Vitamin E for protecting skin from UV damage, offering daily defense against skin cancer and premature aging. These tantalizing nuts essential for optimum health are storehouse of essential mineral like potassium, calcium, copper, selenium, zinc, manganese and magnesium which provide their respective benefits.

Brazil Nuts (Cancer Fighters)
Greatest health benefit of Brazil nuts is that they have high selenium content, and this is what makes them so special. This makes them main defender in fighting for all types of cancer such as those in prostate, bones, and breast cancer. Although not being an antioxidant, selenium plays vital role in antioxidant defense system of human body and boosts their activity, as their functionality greatly depends on the presence of selenium. Brazil Nuts encourage production of glutathione that helps fighting free radicals and enhance immune system. They also prevent blood clotting and protect you from heart diseases. These nuts offer complete proteins, providing all of essential amino acids required for muscle tissue repair and, growth and development of body. They even contain good quantities of mineral, antioxidants and vitamins. These creamy nuts are storehouse of various B-complex vitamins which act as cofactors for enzymes inside our body. Magnesium, manganese, copper, calcium, phosphorous, potassium and zinc too are found in abundance in these wonderfully delicious nuts. They contain high levels of selenium so make sure to have them in moderation as excess of selenium intake can be harmful.

Well they are not meant for just flavoring coffee; they have numerous health benefits. They are rich source of unsaturated fats and thus extremely good for heart. Studies revealed that vitamin E present in these nuts reduces the risk of bladder cancer to half. Magnesium found in these nuts increase strength of muscles. They are known for development of healthy skin as vitamin E present in them help preventing skin from harmful ultra violet radiations. Apart from this they are essential for proper functioning of nervous system as it is a storehouse of vitamin B6 which provides body with amino acids needed for well-balanced nervous system.

As per these facts on nutrition, we can say nuts are outstanding eatables when it comes to health benefits. So, discard those hi-carb, fatty, and not to mention unhealthy junk food and take a healthy break. All fitness-freaks and food junkies can keep these tasty nutritional powerhouses at bay to feel fresh and full of life. Nutritional benefits of nuts are something you just can't ignore. So, let's go nuts for nutty nuts. You can even grab them with discounts by shopping with The Fruit Company coupons or Cafe Britt promo codes.