Doing business calls for liability insurance

For most folks in the business world, possessing liability insurance is simply part of the process. Unexpected scenarios that should be covered by a high quality liability insurance policy run the gamut, from tripping and falling while inside the business to experiencing damage.

In fact, having a liability policy in place tends to be one of the first steps toward opening the doors of almost any business to do work with members of the public. This is because a business needs to be protected in case anything happens to a person while he or she is on the property of the business.

That phrase, "in case anything happens," is a broad one, which is why liability insurance tends to be quite broad as well. Unexpected scenarios that should be covered by a high quality liability insurance policy run the gamut, from tripping and falling while inside the business to experiencing damage or injury due to a service provided by the business or a product used during a service provided by the business.

For massage therapists and bodyworkers, the first part of wrapping your head around the importance of obtaining massage therapy liability insurance is realizing that, even though you are in the field of healing touch, you are still running a business. Professional massage therapists and bodyworkers work with members of the public?quite closely, in fact?providing a service and often incorporating various products into providing that service as well.

The sheer fact that clients are coming to your practice space or session room to receive this "product," which is your hands on skills, necessitates a massage therapy liability insurance policy. After all, if any client has an accident on your property, whether it is inside the practice space or outside in the parking lot or on the way in, that client could make a claim against your business for damages.

As the old saying goes, "accidents happen," and there are few ways to account for and prevent the possibility of an accident ever happening on your property. However, with the general liability portion of a massage therapy liability insurance program, you can stop worrying about these ?what ifs.?

Of course, you should never stop doing your very best to keep your property free from the type of obstacles and substances that could contribute to an accident. With massage therapy liability insurance, though, you will be covered in case one does take place. This portion of a liability insurance program often is aptly referred to as ?trip and fall? insurance.

There are several other protective segments to the umbrella of massage therapy liability insurance, such as malpractice liability insurance and product liability insurance. The first is there to protect you in case a client claims damage or injury due to lack of skill or competence on your part during a massage therapy or bodywork session.

It is tough to fathom any client ever making such a claim, but insurance was created for those ?anything?s possible? circumstances that rarely happen, but call for serious protection when and if they do take place. Product liability insurance is similar, in that it protects you against legal claims of damage or injury caused by a product used during the hands on session.

Follow the lead of solid businesses from coast to coast, and invest the small amount of money necessary to put a strong liability insurance program to work for you.

Grow Magic Mushrooms Demand of the Hour

You can grow mushrooms at your home and convert this into a profitable business. The mushrooms are the popular demand of the hour. To grow magic mushrooms one does not require any skill as such.

If you have squandered your money on curing various diseases and still haven?t received any satisfactory results; how about spending money on mushrooms. They are rich source of all the vital nutrients which are essential to keep the body fit and fine. As such they do not possess any root, leaves flowers or seeds. In several countries they are known as fungi. The number of edible mushrooms is much more than the non edible mushrooms. The varieties of mushrooms are almost infinite. Several kinds of these living organisms still remain undiscovered. The mycologists are engaged in finding more mushrooms which have medicinal value. You can purchase them in any form, be it dried, canned or fresh. Fresh mushrooms have more beneficial than any other variety. The two most common varieties of mushrooms which are widely consumed are brown and white mushrooms.

The recipe shows broadcasted on television has played a vital role in bringing about a change in the food habits of the people. When you visit ant Super Market, you can come across more than six varieties of eatable mushrooms. Some common ones include Crimini, Button Mushrooms, Wood mushrooms, Oyster, Enoki, Chanterelles and Truffles. Mushrooms can be cooked, boiled, roasted, chopped and eaten raw as well. But people grow mushrooms generally for medical purpose. They had immense value even during the pre historic times. The Greek were under the impression that mushrooms provided strength which is completely true. On the other hand the Romans served it on special occasions during the festivals. They believed that it was a gift from their God. A large part of mushrooms constitutes of water. They are low on calorie and can reduce the obesity.

Mushrooms are supplied throughout the globe in the form of a can. It is because the fresh mushrooms cannot last very long. You are well acquainted that mushrooms help in healing several diseases, but did you know that it is also utilized for dyeing wool and other natural fibers? The chromophores of the mushrooms have the capacity to produce different colors which help in this process. To grow magic mushrooms one does not require any skill as such.

Scientists and doctors claim that that mushrooms helps in curing the deadly breast cancer. There was only one question hovering in the minds of women; how? The Agaricus Mushroom or the white button mushroom constitutes of Beta (1-3)-D-glucan, Beta-(1-4)-a -D-glucan & Beta - (1-6)-D-glucan. It is also termed as Beta Glucan. They are immune increasing materials having anti tumor characteristics. They assist in the increment of the Natural Killer cells or the White Blood cells. The white blood cells destroy all the foreign elements like bacteria and virus which attacks the body. So it has become mandatory to grow mushrooms to bring these diseases under control.

The mushrooms can be really considered as one of the venerable gifts of the nature. Of late they are also used to manufacture various decorative items and toys. If you are interested in knowing how to grow magic mushrooms you can consult various books or the internet.

Cholesterol versus Homocysteine

High homocysteine levels in your blood can cause heart attacks and stroke in 15% of the cases. This theory was developed by Dr. Mc Cully in the 1960's, at the Harvard Medical School, but killed by the drug companies, because the cholesterol theory made more sense to the general public.

Has your doctor ever recommended a blood test to check your homocysteine level? After you have read this article, I guarantee you will wonder why. Not many people have ever heard of it, yet it is responsible for ca 15% of all heart attacks and strokes in the world.

Wouldn't it be worth to know more about this major killer, more so when you realize that you can correct it by simply taking vitamin B?

The research on homosysteine was done by Dr. Kelmer Mc Cully, a promising pathologist and researcher, who graduated from the Harvard Medical School in the mid 1960's.

Dr. Mc Cullly was in particular interested in studies that involved the connection of biochemistry with disease. He earned a strong reputation and became assistant professor of Pathology at Harvard Medical School.

Dr Mc Cully discovered that children who had a genetic defect that kept them from breaking down an essential amino acid called methionine. These children showed a tremendous buildup of a by-product, called homocysteine.

Dr. Mc Cully looked at two special cases of two under eight years old boys, who died from a heart attack. When he examined the boys' pathology slides, he discovered that the damage to the arteries was similar to that of an elderly man, who had severe hardening of the arteries.

This led Dr. Mc Cully to wonder whether mild to moderate elevations of homocysteine that were present over a lifetime could be a cause of heart attacks and strokes in the average patient.

Homocysteine is an intermediate byproduct that we produce when our bodies breakdown the amino acid called methionine. It is found in large quantities in meat, eggs, milk, cheese, white flour, canned foods and highly processed foods.

Unlike cholesterol, which the body needs for the production of certain cell parts and hormones, homocysteine provides no health benefit. The higher the level of homocysteine, the greater the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Homocysteine is converted by our bodies into either cysteine or back to methionine again. These products are not harmful, however, the enzymes to break down homocysteine into cysteine, need folic acid, vitamin B6 and vitamin B12. If we are deficient in these nutrients, the homocysteine levels in our blood begin to rise.

Dr. Mc Cully's theory was shut down and he lost his job at Harvard's, because at that time the cholesterol- heart attack theory was gaining tremendous momentum and Dr Mc Cully's hypothesis were a threat to its future.

The cholesterol theory achieved great victory and killed all other threatening theories.

Drug companies made their fortunes and everybody was convinced that heart attacks and strokes were associated with high blood cholesterol levels. Are you? If you have read my article about Nutritional Medicine, you should know better!

Anyway, the medical society and the pharmaceutical Companies did an excellent job selling this to the medical community and to the general public.