Junk Food Promoted As Healthy?

If you want to be lean and live a healthy life, you should be decreasing or better yet getting rid of all sugar and high fructose corn syrup.

Have you noticed a whole new stream of ads online and on television trying to repair the bad image of high fructose corn syrup (HFCS)? They are basically promoting this junk food as "healthy".

The advertising campaigns doesn't directly say that high fructose corn syrup is "health food", but they are very clever at fooling people into thinking that it's not bad for your health. They even make claims that are straight out deceiving:

HFCS is all natural

HFCS is just as good as table sugar

HFCS is made from corn

HFCS has the same amount of calories as table sugar

So, basically all of these ads are trying to mislead us into believing that HFCS isn't as bad as it appears to be. They constantly say that it's "all natural" and "made from corn". These ads are flat out outrageous and are duping several people.

These ads are highly immoral. Wouldn't you agree? I mean for one, our nation and the world for that matter, has been suffering from an obesity epidemic, as well as dealing with life threatening diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, and cancer. Now, they're trying to make the situation worse by misinforming innocent people that high fructose corn syrup is somewhat healthy. Our society and even our children are getting heavier and unhealthier, while these companies are pocketing all their huge profits since HFCS is the main ingredient of most processed food. How dare them!

And to address the claim that HFCS is "no worse for you than sugar"... I can't even begin discussing the science behind it such as how HFCS affects our body's insulin and lepton, the blood sugar and appetite levels, and so on. Instead, here's a more important point that I want you to pay close attention to:

For someone to not care that HFCS is "no worse for you than sugar"... because sugar is one of the harmful things you can ingest in your body anyway, doesn't even come close to a valid argument!

So the point I am trying to make and for you to understand is that if you want to be lean and live healthy, you should be decreasing, or even getting rid of all sugar and high fructose corn syrup. To be honest, most processed food should be gone altogether if you are very serious about losing weight and getting lean.

As for these companies claiming that HFCS is "all-natural"... I just laugh! This statement is straight out absurd. These companies can continue to call it "natural" or artificial; however, the truth is?highly processed, refined foods and substance makes you gain weight not lose it!

So before you think about drinking that can of soda, or eating that candy bar or cookie, just remember that it's doing more harm to your efforts of losing body fat and can even lead to more health problems in the future. Be very cautious of processed foods and look for other alternatives that will help you stay in shape.

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